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“Yeah. This is the perfect time to just sit here and reflect on everything. Kellen isn’t doing much but nursing so I can let my mind wander for a few minutes,” I say, handing our youngest over to his dad.

Billy burps Kellen before carefully putting him back in the crib and turning on the mobile again. Rocket watches his every move even though he doesn’t get up from laying on my feet. When my husband is done with making sure Kellen’s not going to wake up again, he pulls me out of the rocking chair and leads me back to our room.

“Calla Lily, it’s time. You need to open the results and find out if Big T is your dad or not. You’ve got so many questions and they won’t be answered until you know for sure one way or another. I’m right here and we’ll deal with the aftermath of the answer together,” he tells me, holding out the envelope after picking it up from his night stand.


Taking a deep breath, I take the results from him and rip the envelope open. Removing the paper, I slowly unfold it as if it’s a ticking time bomb until I can read the words in front of me. Scanning the paper in my hand, I realize I still have a parent who’s alive and not a complete jackass from what I’ve seen so far. Big T is my dad. The asshole I grew up with is no relation at all to me. It could be why he was such an evil bastard to me, but I’m not sure. Tears cloud my vision as I hand the paper over to Billy so he can share in this news with me.

“What are you gonna do now, Calla Lily?” he asks me, moving closer to me as we sit on the bed.

“I don’t know. I think I’m gonna think on it for a little bit and then get a hold of him. It’s not like he doesn’t already know the results. They notified both of us. So, it’s just a matter of us having a conversation about what to do moving forward. Plus, I have to think about the club. He’s in a club we still know nothing about. I don’t know if I want to risk getting to know him and then something happening between the two clubs. I’ll be the one forced to make a decision that’s hard as hell. Or I could be used as a pawn by either side,” I answer my husband as I sink into his embrace.

“The club doesn’t have to have anythin’ to do with this, Calla. He might be in a different club, but it doesn’t mean the two have to interfere with one another. You can get to know him as a dad away from the compound. We can spend some time together and I know Lash has been in contact with his President a few times. They seem to have good conversations and Lash hasn’t said anything about them bein’ a horrible club. I guess they actually have the same morals as we do and stay out of the shit we do. Who knows? We could all end up gettin’ along and then you wouldn’t have to worry about that shit,” he tells me, his voice soft and soothing as he rubs my back.

“I think I want to get to know him. I’ll call him tomorrow and see if he wants to meet up for lunch next week. It’s just hard because we live in two different states that aren’t necessarily close together. Any plans we make will have to happen a week or more away to accommodate the distance between us,” I murmur, my eyes already sliding closed as sleep begins to pull me under.

“Alright, baby. Get some sleep and we’ll give him a call tomorrow,” Billy says, tucking me into our bed and sliding in next to me.

Even in my dreams, I relive the best parts of my life. Having Billy back, our two sons, my chosen family, and every memory we make on a daily basis. I can’t honestly ask for more than that and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Despite all the chaos, mayhem, and crazy times, I know we’ll all be supported and loved by everyone surrounding us.

The end of the Knight’s Rebellion MC . . . For now!
