Page 84 of Overtime Score

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Pride sparks in me. I know how long Hunter can last, so making him come so quickly with my mouth feels like an accomplishment.

His groans and gasps of pleasure make me increase my pace. Soon, I feel his whole body coiling.

I keep my lips curled around him as he erupts into me. I drink every drop of climax.

“Feeling better?” I ask coyly, sidling next to him on the couch.

He pulls me against him and presses a tender kiss to my lips. “Yeah. But now I really don’t know how I’m going to walk home,” he laughs. “My legs are fucking jelly.”

I shrug. “You can always stay over.”

Something bright flashes in Hunter’s blue eyes. “Yeah?”

I nod, feeling somewhat embarrassed, but in a strangely good way, as a tiny smile sprouts.

“I’ll have to return the favor, then,” he whispers, before I shriek as he flips me over and drapes his body over mine.



“You think all the governments in the world could keep a secret like that?” Lars asks Shane.

Shane answers through a mouthful of lasagna. “Not all of them. Just, like, the five or six most powerful.”

They’re arguing about aliens again.

“So, what about that UFO crash in, like, the forties or fifties. Roswell, wasn’t it?” Phoebe asks Shane. She’s always amused by Shane’s wacky outlook on things, and especially by his incredible eagerness to express it.

Shane shovels another big forkful of lasagna into his mouth, but that doesn’t keep him from answering.

“Actually, no,” he says, chewing and shaking his head at the same time. “That was, like, a red herring. The government staged that to distract UFO researchers so they wouldn’t discover the real coverup.”

“He actually believes this, doesn’t he?” Walsh asks Lars.

Lars nods gravely. “He certainly does.”

“Hey, Larsy, admit it, you’re coming around.”

Lars shakes his head. “No, I’m not.”

All the guys, as well as Phoebe and Liam’s girlfriend, Zoey, are gathered at the Ice Box for dinner.

“This lasagna is incredible, Zoey,” Phoebe says.

“Thanks,” Zoey smiles. “I’ve been trying to cook more lately. It helps with stress. This is my dad’s old recipe.”

“For real?” Walsh exclaims. “Coach is a cook?”

“Only lasagna and chili,” Zoey laughs.

I nod appreciatively after another bite. “If you had to pick only two things to be good at making, those are some pretty good choices.”

“Congrats on marrying into good comfort food, bro,” Shane says, jocularly patting Liam on the back as he gets up to pile more food on his tray.

Zoey blushes, but we all know her and Liam ending up married is a foregone conclusion at this point.

Liam chuckles. “First time he made us his chili I was still a little worried he was gonna poison my bowl.”
