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So, with her beside me, I find the courage to express them.

“It’s just. He’s my dad, you know? It’s hard not to internalize what he says, especially when it’s something he won’t stop riding me about. And it’s not like he’s a total monster or anything. I know he cares. Not in a perfect way, but in his own way. He put so much time into supporting me and my brothers in the sports we got into, driving us around, spending money on extra training, equipment, dedicating himself to coming to every game.”

“When we talked in the library, it sounded less like he supported you in getting into sports, but more like forced you into it.”

I slide back down to the pillow. “Maybe that’s true. But in that case, shouldn’t I thank him? If he didn’t push me, I never would have found hockey, never would have been as motivated as I was to get good at it. Then what kind of future would I have?”

“You’d have a bright future no matter what, Liam. You’re talented at so much, and hardworking at whatever you do.”

“Maybe,” I concede. “But I love hockey. Even if I didn’t at first, I do now. I love the game, I love the last three years I’ve had with my Hot Shots teammates, and I’m excited about starting all over with a new team when I go to the pros.”

“You just need to remember it’syouwho got you to this point, Liam. Maybe your dad needs to know that, too. He can support you, he can cheer you on, but you need to put your foot down and let him know that his criticisms of your playing and your decisions are unwelcome.”

I take a deep breath. “Easier said than done.”

“Everything worth doing is easier said than done. But it all needs to be said before you can work yourself up to doing it.”

I look deep in her pristine blue eyes. What did I ever do to deserve a girl as good as her?

Nothing—I guess that’s why I don’t really have her. But, for now, for the rest of this day, I can at least pretend that I do.

That’s not enough. But it’ll have to be.

“You’re right,” I say. “On Monday, I’m going to call him. I’m going to be firm and set boundaries.”

A wide smile crests on her lips, like she’s actually proud of me. “That’s incredible, Liam. I know you can do it.” She leans over and plants a soft, smooth kiss on my lips. “But until then, what do you think we should do today?”

I smirk. “I have a pretty good idea of how we shouldstarttoday.”

She yelps as I pounce to my side, suddenly covering her with my body. Her legs curl around my waist as we start the day with me buried in her, her moans and my groans bouncing off the walls of her room.

It’s a slice of heaven—and if things were just a little different, maybe we could start every morning like this …



It’s Monday. Life is back to normal.

No miracle happened to somehow prolong the bubble that Zoey and I existed in over the weekend. Not that I expected one to.

On Sunday afternoon, Zoey and I watched the Hot Shots narrowly lose a tough away game. It sucked to see my team lose when I’m almost positive we would have won if I were there with them.

Was that enough to make me wish that I were there, that I was away from Zoey and that we didn’t get to spend that weekend together?

Not even for one fucking second.

I got back from my last class of the day a couple minutes ago. I’m sitting down working on some homework, but that’s not what I’m really doing.

What I’m really doing, is waiting for my dad’s call. I’m expecting it at any moment.

I ignored his calls and texts all day Sunday. I didn’t need to hear his opinion about why we lost the game that I missed, what I should have done to make sure I didn’t miss it, and what I need to do in the future to make sure I don’t “let the team down” again.

But I know I can expect another one at any minute. My dad knows my schedule, and he knows I won’t have any excuse to ignore a call around this time. It’s just a matter of …

The phone sitting next to my open textbook begins to ring. I don’t even need to check the screen to know who it is.

“Hey, Dad,” I answer.
