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I lock my arms together in front of my chest and literally hop up and down in excitement. “Liam! That’s awesome!”

This time, I don’t have to jump up and wrap my arms around him; he dips and gathers me in his arms, lifting me up and hugging me close.

“I never could have done it without you giving me the confidence to,” he says.

I feel like I’m about to melt to goo in his arms. My cheeks are so hot with blushing that I must look like a giant tomato.

The air buzzes. I know that I should have him set me down right now; that we should go our separate ways and wait until we’re somewhere safe to celebrate this more.

But I’m so pumped up from the good news, so happy to share in Liam’s happiness, that I can’t contain myself.

I lean forward and, hoisted in his arms, press my lips to his.

He responds, his plush lips caressing mine. He takes control as he angles his mouth to deepen the kiss, our lips slanting and sliding together. My eyes are shut as I lose myself in the moment.

I know this is the last place we should be allowing ourselves to do this, but the part of my brain that’s supposed to translate that recognition into action must be shut down.

I’m so wrapped up in this perfect moment, so wrapped up in the man who holds me so weightlessly in his arms, that it feels like we’re in a bubble that no one can pop. Even though we’re doing this in the least safe place, it feels like this moment is so magical that nothing can intrude on it.

“What the hell is going on here!?”

The rough shout pops the bubble instantly. Dread pools deep in my stomach and all my muscles go taut. There’s no mistaking this voice.

“Newcastle! Zoey!? What in the hell is happening here?”

My jaw trembles as Liam slowly sets me down. I can feel his muscles tightening and stiffening just like mine are.

Suddenly, we’re no longer wrapped up in a perfect moment.

Instead, we’re wilting under the burning, outraged, shocked glare of my father.

“Sir, I can explain,” Liam begins.

My dad doesn’t let him get any further. “Explain!?” his words drip with anger. “I don’t think anything needs to be explained, Liam. You were just kissing my daughter. Did I miss something that requires yourexplanation?”

“Dad, it’s okay,” I begin, hoping to calm him down. His face is red with anger, like steam could start shooting out of his ears at any minute. I don’t want him strangling Liam, and it feels like right now that’s not out of the realm of possibility. “Liam and I are … seeing each other.”

But are we? Is that what’s going on between us? Is that even what Liamwants?

But, right now, that feels like the best way to describe our relationship. At least, the most delicate way—if I described it more accurately, I don’t think I’d be able to stop my dad from strangling Liam.

My heart aches as my dad levels me with a look of disappointment. Then, he turns his gaze towards Liam, and the disappointment is replaced by something much sharper and more hostile.

“So, you’ve just been sneaking around with my daughter behind my back, then? Boy, that makes me feel good about your intentions with her.” The bitter sarcasm drips from his words.

“It’s not like that, sir,” Liam begins, “it’s just that we couldn’t …”

My dad cuts him off again. “Exactly. Youcouldn’t. Beyond the fact that she’s my daughter, it’s against team regulations for you two to be involved. But clearly, that little fact didn’t stop you from putting her future at risk.”

I can feel Liam wince next to me.

“It’s not Liam’s fault, Dad,” I protest, feeling irked that my dad seems to think that this is something Liam tricked me into, like I can’t have a mind and a will of my own. “We both knew what we were getting into. And it’s … it’s not fair that we can’t be together.”

Even though I’m still not sure Liam actually wants us to be truly together. But I sure as hell can’t deny that it’s what I want.

“I never wanted to do anything to hurt Zoey or to put her future at risk, sir,” Liam says.

“Well, it’s not a whole lot of consolation that you didn’t want to, when that’s exactly what youdid.” Dad huffs, shaking his head. “I’m the damn coach of this team. I can’t very well keep this hidden. By all rights, I should report both of you to the University for being in breach of regulations.”
