Page 64 of Covert Affairs

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“They want you back,” Beatrice said, then held up a thin, spiral-bound notebook. “I brought your calendar. Connor’s been making appointments. Thought you might want to see how much you’re needed at Shadow Force.”

“Just to be clear,” Rory said, returning to his spot, “Idon’t need therapy. Not your kind, anyway.”

The others laughed, yet seemed to hold their breath. Vivi gave the man a skeptical appraisal. “We should talk about that, actually.”

Sabrina, wedged between him and Connor, pinched Rory’s arm. “Told you so, you old buzzard. Everybody needs therapy.”

“I, for one, have qualms about you digging around in my noggin,” Zeb said from across the room, “but I’m willing to give it a try if you’ll stay, Dr. Montgomery.”

Trace spoke up. “If Zeb will do it, that says a lot.” He gave Moe, on the other side of the fireplace mantle, a pointed look. “Some of us need more help than others.”

Parker grinned and poked her boyfriend, laughing along with the others. He appeared highly offended. “You’re not getting inside my bloody head,” he declared to Vivi.

“Honestly, I have no desire to,” she countered without missing a beat. “There are some subjects even I can’t help.”

Jeers and more laughter echoed in the high-ceilinged room. Parker made a sizzling noise and touched his arm as if Vivi had burned him. He screwed up his face and did an exaggerated eye roll.

Ian slid his arm around her, knowing she was out of gas and needed to lie down. He intended to be right there beside her. “She needs to take it easy before she takes on this measly lot.” He glanced at his boss. “I assume we can stay for a few days?”

Beatrice nodded and scooped up Sloane when the girl ran back to her. “As long as you need. And no pressure, Vivi, about coming to work for SFI. With your name cleared, you’re free to go wherever you want and pursue your dreams.”

Placing a hand on his chest, Vivi stared up into Ian’s eyes. “My dream is right here. Where Ian goes, I go.”

“Aww,” Sabrina said.

“If you work for me, he’ll be required to as well.” Beatrice nodded at Cal for him to explain.

The man crossed his arms. “You’re still a potential weapon in the wrong hands, and if you don’t work for NSA, they need certain guarantees.”

Ian’s stomach fell. “Like what?”

“She’ll be required to have a bodyguard twenty-four-seven,” Beatrice said.

“We just happen to have a new designation for that level of security,” Cal added, his chin jutting toward Ian. “You’ll need to qualify, of course, to make everyone happy, but—”

“I’ll do it,” Ian said, cutting him off. “Whatever’s required.” He looked at Vivi. “That is, if you decide to accept Beatrice’s offer.”

She worried her bottom lip. “I have a few negotiating points we need to discuss.”

“Like not having to listen to Moe bitch and whine,” Rory volunteered.

More laughter. Moe made a face. His boss smiled. “We can discuss them first thing in my office tomorrow. Cassandra will have a contract drawn up and papers for you to sign.”

“We’ll be there,” Vivi said, hugging Ian to her. “My bodyguard and me.”

Goodbyes were said. Cal lingered a moment behind the rest. “The house is yours to use as long as you like. Consider it a sign-on bonus.”

“Stop bribing her,” Beatrice called. “It’s a wedding gift, Vivi.”

Vivi laughed. “Now who’s bribing us?”

Soon they were alone. Ian put her to bed, brought the birds in and opened the door to their cage as she requested. Leaving her laughing at their antics, he went to round up food. The stuff in the hospital sucked and he was starving.

When he returned, she was curled into a ball, asleep. The kitchen had been well-stocked and he set the tray with sandwiches and drinks on the nightstand. There were even strawberries, Vivi’s favorite. The birds had voluntarily returned to their cage and were both sleeping, too.

Eating could wait. Trying not to wake her, he carefully crawled in next to her.

Sighing, she tucked herself against him. “Thank you,” she said, sleepily. “For everything.”
