Page 8 of Covert Affairs

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“Cheap-ass thing broke,” Ian drawled, his voice close to her head as if he were leaning over her from between the front seats.

All she needed was for the officer to—

He flipped the suffocating fabric off her face and cool air tickled her cheeks. As if she could read his mind, she heard Ian sayplay dead, or you really will be.

Barreling down into herself, she went back to her mental Zen room. She watched her birds fly around the space and twitter at her.

And then the scene shifted. She was suddenly across from the man who’d just shoved adrenaline into her heart and ordered her to act like a corpse.Sure, no problem.

He stared at her across the coffee table between them. He was cocky and impatient, hating the fact he was required after every mission to come see her. Rules and regulations weren’t his style, and she’d made it her own personal mission to change his perspective on therapy.

She smiled at him and slowly, giving into her charm, he returned it.

Her memories kicked in and she was in Vegas with him, in bed. He was laughing and kissing her and…

The officer grunted. “Pretty one. Hell, she doesn’t even look dead.”

She sensed him bending close, as if checking for the warmth of her breath.Don’t move.

A tense second passed. Another. She had the feeling she wasn’t the only one holding their breath. Ian and his partner had to be shitting bricks.

If they all escaped this, they were going to be damn lucky.

The officer reeked of onions, but finally he seemed satisfied. Good thing, too, since Vivi was out of air, lungs burning.

The van rocked as the officer jumped down. “Have a good night now,” he said, and the squawk of his radio echoed around them, a call coming in.

The door closed; silence filled her ears. Another slammed—the driver getting back in. Slowly, he pulled out from the side of the road and they accelerated.

Gripping the edges of the gurney, Vivi sat up and drew in the deepest breath she’d ever taken. Oxygen had never felt so good.

The two men were still silent, but she couldn’t help it. She laughed. The rush of what had just happened, fueled by the adrenaline in her veins, filled her with giddiness.I’m alive.


“What the actual fuck?”

She looked around to see Ian glaring at her from the passenger seat. He looked good, although still haunted by his past. Their past.

She had a lot of explaining to do. She only hoped he would listen. And maybe someday, he might forgive her.

Fat chance, that. Swinging her legs to the side, she steadied herself. Was it too much to hope that they could start over?

She knew the answer. While she’d always been an optimist, she wasn’t a fool. He would never forgive, nor forget, her betrayal.

A chill swept over her and she visibly shivered. Aftereffects of the drugs, she told herself. It had nothing to do with Ian seeking revenge.

“You did good back there,” the driver called. “My name’s Mick.”

“I know who you are, Lieutenant Ranger.”

“My reputation precedes me.” He seemed proud of that. “Afraid I’m not a lieutenant anymore, ma’am. Not even a frogman these days.” He took a turn and nothing but the dark night and empty highway could be seen through the windshield. “I believe you already know my partner.”

“Youdidknow. Fucking bastard.” Ian sounded livid.

“Beatrice may have mentioned it.”

Ian punched the dash. “That important detail would’ve been nice to share.”
