Page 41 of Covert Obsession

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He rubbed his chest. “You’re not upset?”

“About what?”

“That I didn’t tell you about…me.”

Tread carefully. “It’s your business. I only wish you would have felt you could confide in me sooner. Any time you want to talk, I’m here.”

“I’m working on it. Being more…open.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, the smart-mouthed, funny Moe resurfacing. “I can think of plenty of ways for you to demonstrate your appreciation for my heroics when you’re up for it.”

She’d known it couldn’t last—his soul-baring—but that was okay. It was a starting point. A huge one, in fact. She’d take each and every one, no matter how small. She drew him close and tugged on a lock of his hair. “Do they involve the removal of clothing?”

He shook his head in disbelief. “You’re something, you know that?”

She wanted to ask him a million questions but that would send him back to his hole. He’d told her a secret he hadn’t shared with anyone else, outside of Beatrice. Brain cells fired and wired based on experiences. If she could make this moment memorable in a positive way, maybe he would continue to confide in her. “I’m not asking you to go Magic Mike and hop up on the counter for a striptease. Although come to think of it, I’d pay good money to see that show. But honestly, I was thinking a kiss would be nice.”

His gaze was intense as he assessed her. “How’s the head?”

“Much better. Your medicine seems to have worked.”

“You’re walking better, that’s a good sign.”

She kept her return stare as sincere and candid as her heart. “We make a good team in the field as well as in bed. Now, kiss me, and stop worrying so much.”

He brushed his lips against hers, and she slid her hands onto his waist. The electricity that always ran between them ignited, and she wished they were at SFI headquarters, alone and safe. They could spend hours exploring each other’s bodies and sharing more secrets with nothing to worry about.

She parted her lips, wanting more but not pushing. This was all about him. Let him take the lead and relax enough to take it as far as he wanted without any pressure.

His hand cradled her skull as he took advantage of her parted lips, sweeping inside. Their tongues collided, danced, and she traced her fingers over the sides of his rib cage, nestling closer into his arms.

They stayed that way for a long while, gently exploring as if it were their first time. She felt him harden against her and knew he wanted more, but he wouldn’t take it because of her injury.

He boosted her onto the counter, his kisses remaining light. He trailed his lips across her jaw and down her neck. There were too many reasons to not take this further, and she didn’t expect him to, but making out with him while they waited for the others to arrive was the best way she could think of to pass the time.

He slid his hands under her shirt, cupping her breasts, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Every touch was easy, gentle, his thumb teasing a nipple through her bra. His lips and tongue tracked over her exposed skin, down the V of her shirt, his warm breath welcome and erotic.

“We’re breaking mission protocol,” he mumbled against her skin. “Could get us both fired.”

She sucked in a breath when he licked her collarbone. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll report it to HR as soon as we’re back.”

He chuckled, the rumble of it tantalizing as it caused his whiskered cheek to brush her sensitive nerve endings. “Like Cassandra is one to throw stones.”

Everyone knew what had happened between her and Mick while they’d worked together. When anyone teased them about falling in love on a mission, Mick grinned and flipped them off. Cassandra always blushed.

Moe devoured her mouth again. The tantalizing, exquisite slowness of his kisses drove her crazy. She raked her fingers through his hair, tugging his lips down to her breast. He sucked on it through the fabric of her shirt and she moaned. Then he freed it from its constrictive fabric, licking the underside and drawing the nipple deep into his mouth, only to release it to scrape his teeth across her skin.

She arched into the hardness of him, seeking release that only he could give. She hadn’t meant for it to even get this far, but he did this to her every single time. His touch, his kisses, hell, a simple look, and everything inside her made her want to spread her legs for him. The outside world disappeared, and it was only the two of them, a tangle of mouths, fingers, and desire.

“I need you,” she whispered. “All of you.”

He drew back and smiled down at her. “I know, luv, but not here. It’s too dangerous. Romalov is on the loose, and while I doubt he could’ve followed us, I have to keep you safe above everything else.”

She nodded her understanding but then complained when he separated them enough to get his hand between her legs. His other did a slow massage down her spine, pinning her in place as he began a rhythm with his thumb through her pants that made her breathless. She braced her hands on the counter, letting her head fall back as he worked her into a frenzy. He kissed her exposed neck and drew his tongue up to the base of her ear.

“Come for me,” he ordered quietly. “Remember what I promised to do to you when this is all over.”

The things he had whispered to her in the barn came rushing back. As his hand moved with a wicked tempo, she cried out, her orgasm flooding her with wicked heat.

He drew it out, holding her while the spasms shook her from head to toe. When she went limp, he folded her into his arms, kissed her temples, and kept her cocooned with his body. She clung to him, her ear on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Even amid the chaos, she felt anchored, secure in the knowledge they were a team.
