Page 25 of A Vicious Proposal

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Awkward silence makes people squirm. They need to fill the space or their anxiety kicks in and their heart rate speeds up. My wife is one of the few who can stay quiet during tense situations.

“What do you mean, killers?” She pulls the door back and closes it, her hand on my arm to restrain me. It’s quite comical, though I don’t laugh. “Four and a half years you’ve been in school, don’t tell me that grad school is only a farce.” My gaze travels down to her black-painted fingernails against my tan skin.

“Are you calling me stupid?” Immediately, she takes her hand off my arm, which goes to her hip. She’s a pint-size ball of fire.

We’ve always ignited when we were together. Our personalities clashed as much as they found common ground.

It’s baffling, absolutely insane that I still find her attractive after everything she’s done. The betrayal, the lies… and even now, she has the audacity to bear my last name, my true last name, and I’m ready to pound her on the front steps.


Reese waves her hand in front of me. “I asked you a question.” I find her simmering eyes full of ferocity.

“How I feel about your education level doesn’t matter,” I answer.

She scoffs. “Just as long as I look pretty on your arm, huh?”

I arch a brow and smile. “Is that what I told you?”

“You know what?” She throws her hands in the air. “Let’s go see some killers. Actually, I hope I come across a killer so that I can get rid of you.”

See, there’s that fire that claws its way through my barriers. I’m not an easy man to impress or manipulate. Except when it comes to her. And that weakness pisses me off.

“Be my guest,” I dare, opening the door and snatching her to my chest. “But let’s get one thing straight. Your life depends on your performance while we’re here. I’m not Blake. I won’t pout and threaten to tattle. I’ll do much worse.”

She leans in closer, her eyes full of fire and intrigue. “How much worse?”

My cock hardens, straining against my pants. With Reese, I break the rules. I couldn’t watch while Blake blackmailed what was mine.

“I am your husband,” I remind her. “The man you’ve loved for almost a decade.”

Her brows arch mockingly.

“If you can’t convince my family of such love, then I will destroy everything you love, starting with your sister.”

She shoves me back in an instant. “I thought you were better than this.”

“You thought wrong.” I never underestimate my targets. It’s my business to know what makes them comply with my needs. “And underestimated your value.”

This time, I don’t stop her when her palm stings my cheek.

Revenge shows no mercy, even when the heart objects.

“It would disgust your mother to know who you’ve become.”

“I am your husband, and you better put on a much better show than you did with Blake.”

This time, it’s her that smiles. “Are you saying you expect me to fake it?”

There’s something in the way she asks the question. It’s like she’s finally figured something out. “Are you saying your family thinks this is a real marriage?”

A chuckle slips past me. “Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart. My family may be killers, but they’re not stupid. I could never convince them I married for love. They would be disappointed if I did.”

We stand there, staring at each other, the fire in her eyes fading. Whatever we once had is long gone.

I might take my vows seriously, and Enoch may have forced me to, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lifetime to hate her. What’s a better way to take revenge than make someone miserable?

Reese Carmichael will never love.
