Page 50 of A Vicious Proposal

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“None of us are innocent. Not even you.”


She wants to die.

That’s the only explanation as to why she’s banging on the door.

“Reese!” I shout. “I will burn this bitch down with us inside it. Do not test me tonight.”

A sob comes through the door. “I need your help. I fucked up.”

Something like indigestion stirs in my chest, bubbling to the surface.

Are those fucking feelings?

Not possible. Alistair Cain does not have feelings—especially for Reese Carmichael.

“I’m serious, Van,” she calls again. “I messed up. I didn’t know visitors weren’t allowed. It was just… I was hungry.” The way she whimpers the word hungry gnaws at the wounds deep inside, creating a pain I had numbed long ago.

Was I supposed to feed her? Is that part of caring for my wife? Or is that part of independence?

“I had food delivered.” Another sob racks over her words as she mumbles more. “But Tennyson…” I need no other explanation from her. Tennyson, like the rest of us, has his demons. He trusts no one. Even we are on a short leash with him.

“He’s going to kill him, Van, and I can’t be responsible for a man’s death just because he was trying to deliver some chips.”

I roll my eyes at her dramatics and yell back, “Tennyson won’t kill him.”

He may scare him, but he won’t kill him. Tennyson might be a murderer, but killing a delivery driver is out of his wheelhouse. Tennyson isn’t like the rest of us in that regard. His story is different.

“Please, Van. I need help.”

That she does, but from a professional.

“What did you order?” I call, standing and easing my way to the basement door but not opening it.

“What?” She sounds shocked, which is slightly amusing. “What do you mean, what did I order?” I smile and trace a sunflower on the door with my finger. “I mean, did you order something that’s worth my time in saving this poor man’s life?”

Shock coats her next words. “Are you serious right now?”

“Deadly,” I clip sternly. “I’m not in the business of saving innocent lives, if you recall.”

I round out the leaves on the sunflower, envisioning the bright golds and yellows beaming from the petals.

“You know what? Fuck it. I’ll save him myself. I just need you to unlock the front door.”

Now, that really makes me happy.

“Oh, is my prisoner upset that she can’t come and go as she pleases?” It’s like I can feel her anger pulsing through the door, which only thickens my cock.

“I swear, Van, I will bust every single window in this fucking prison if you do not get your ass up.” I wrench the basement door open before she can threaten me further, and come in my pants.

“You were saying?”

Her eyes flutter as she takes in my bare chest. “What are you doing in there?”

Rolling my eyes, I push her to the side. “Again, none of your damn business.”

Unlocking the front door, I throw it open, letting in the night air.
