Page 65 of A Vicious Proposal

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My eyes snap from the beaded sweat on the back of his neck to the half smirk on his lips as he turns to face me.“Most wives,” he continues, like the ass he is, “would offer to help.”

I snort, that comment finally breaking through the haze of admiration. “No, they wouldn’t. Most wives would offer to bring you something to drink.”

“I’m not thirsty.” The playful expression on his face falls.

Well, well. Look at that. My husband can be more than a threatening criminal. He can be a shy and caring guy.

A grin tugs at my mouth. “Breakfast, then?”

“No.”His bottom lip seems to become fuller.

Is he?

No way. It can’t be.

The infamous Van Gogh is pouting. Pouting!

“Are you sure? I was thinking I—”

His growl of annoyance interrupts me. “I said no.”

He said no.

Look at him, being cute this morning, thinking I give two shits about what he says.“Well, that’s too bad, lover.” I step out onto the back patio, my bare feet connecting with the cool concrete. “Because most wives would ensure their husbands are well fed while working in the yard.”

I ignore the sarcastic scoff coming from his direction and continue across the covered patio until my feet step onto the dewy grass.“Go back inside,” he orders, not bothering to turn around and face me, “before something out here bites you.”

Two of us can play this game. “You promise?”

He whips around, his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched as he notices how close I am. “I suggest you find something else to do this morning. Pissing me off isn’t one of your options.”

“That’s unfortunate.” I flash him a wicked smile that promises much more than aggravation. “And here I was, hoping we turned a corner last night.”

His hardened gaze finds mine. “Not unless you want to tell me what you were conspiring with Blake about.”

Oh, yeah. I forgot he was still hung up on that little nugget of information. “I’ll tell if you do.” I flash him a pointed look. “Where’s my sister?”

Immediately, he stiffens.

“Is she dead, and you’re trying to keep it from me?” He knows he’ll have no leverage to keep me here if Julia is dead. Without her, I have no reason to care if I’m arrested and convicted. I only ran from the crime scene because she made me. I knew. I freaking knew she would tell the police it was her and serve out my time, or worse, Robert’s druggie friends would find her first and kill her.

I have no idea what happened to my older sister, and that mystery keeps Van’s ring on my finger. Well, that, and I love him. But just because I love him doesn’t mean I am ready to live cooped up in his fancy dungeon forever.

Van turns back to his garden as if I didn’t ask him if my sister was dead. “So, you’re just going to ignore me?”


There’s no hesitation.

“You don’t think I deserve to know what happened to my sister?”

“I think you deserve to pay for your crimes for what you did to her boyfriend.”

I try. I really try to stay calm, but I can’t. I lose my shit on this man.

“He was abusing her! What was I supposed to do? Let him kill her?”

Van yanks what looks like grass away from a flower. “You were supposed to call the police and report him.”
