Page 23 of Soiled Touch

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Nikolai steps back and offers Mistie a hand. When she stands, he tucks her into his side. “I’m sure this won’t be the last time we hear from him,” he warns. “Be vigilant.”

“It won’t be,” Calla’s voice is soft. “Though he won’t come after me again, I’m sure. He’ll see me as a lost cause. That doesn’t mean he won’t be looking for his own kind of retaliation for what he’ll see as disrespect.”

“He’ll be dealt with, in time,” Sergei’s voice is deep and gruff when he walks back into the room as if he never left.

Sergei gives Nikolai a nod. It makes me realize how much I want to be included in their plans and in the business. I need tobe. I need to be the kind of man who can protect his wife from all danger, whether I have my family at my back or not.

I plan to speak to Nikolai about my role in the family as soon as possible. I’m ready now. I need to do this, to be the man who deserves Calla and who fights to keep her safe.

I was wasting my life before, using parties and women to dull the pain of feeling like an outsider in my own family, but now I understand I wasn’t ready. I’ve been cleansed by my wife and her love, it’s time to become the Orlov I was always meant to be.

For her.

Always for her.




I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body and I know, without seeing him, that my husband is waiting to pounce on me. The only thing stopping a smile from taking over my face is biting my lip. The way his eyes follow me as I head toward our closet has my nipples hardening.

“I don’t think we’ll be able to make it to dinner tonight,” Viktor’s gruff voice has me freezing in place.

I turn toward him slowly to find his eyes filled with heat as he takes me in. “What? We’re going out to dinner,” I try to sound put out.

The truth is, I’m more than happy to spend time with my husband at home. I love our home. It’s gorgeous and I’ve been able to make it into the home I’ve always wanted. It’s cozy and it’s not far from the Orlov mansion which means we’re not far from our family.

We still spend a lot of time over at the mansion, but having the option to leave and be by ourselves in our own space is amazing.

“I don’t know,zhena,” he taunts. “I think I need you just howyou are.”

“You don’t want me to get all dressed up so we can go out?” I shoot him a cheeky smile and he closes the distance between us.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against the hard planes of his chest. With a gentle tug to the top of the towel I have wrapped around me, he bares my body to his touch. And touch me he does.

It’s surreal how he can make me feel naughty and cherished at the same time. There’s a reverence in the way his hands glide over my skin, but there’s a heat there as well. His hard cock presses against my belly and I moan as I tip my head back, offering my lips to him.

When he slams his mouth down on mine, he claims me with his kiss as much as he gives me his love. I melt against him and give him everything he needs because he gives it right back to me.

His large hands grip my ass and lift me so I can wrap my legs around his waist. The moment I’m secure, he strides over to our bed, dominating the kiss and making my pussy clench around nothing.

I tear my mouth away from his and moan, “Viktor, not fair.”

He chuckles, the sound promising so much pleasure that I almost lose myself in him. But I can’t. Not yet.

“Why should I play fair, Calla? You drive me fucking crazy all the time,” he growls.

“You promised me dinner,” I pout, not caring about going to dinner.

“I also promised that I’ll put my baby inside you. I think I should follow through with that promise. We can order dinner in.”

My body buzzes with his words. We’ve been actively trying to get pregnant while being happy to let it happen when it happens. That doesn’t mean my husband doesn’t fill me with his cum as much as he possibly can, because he does.

If he didn’t have to spend time working, then I’m pretty sure he’d be buried inside of me constantly. He does work with his brothers, though, and I’m so damn proud of him that he’s found his place amongst them.

I don’t know a lot about what he does and I’m fine with it. I’m the safe place he comes home to every night. I’m his solace and it’s more than enough for me.
