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An invitation if I ever saw one. Nova, alone and waiting for me. This is too perfect.

Sounds like you could use some company. Want me to head over?

There's a pause before Nova replies, and I hold my breath.Please say yes, Nova. Please. You have no idea how much I need this. How much I need you.

I'd like that. If you're sure you don't mind coming over?

Victory surges through me as I respond.

On my way. See you soon.

I toss the phone aside, nearly giddy with anticipation. At last, the waiting is over. Tonight is the start of Nova's new life—ournew life together.

* * *

I arrive at Nova's house within minutes, eager to get inside. She opens the door wearing a little sundress, her blonde hair windswept around her face. Just the sight of her makes my heart pound.

"Hey, you," she says with a smile. "Come on in."

I step through the doorway, crowding into her space. She smells like coconut and sunshine and everything good in this world. "Hi yourself."

My hands settle on her waist, pulling her against me. Nova looks up at me through thick lashes, lips parted. "What are you doing?" she breathes.

"What I've wanted to do since the moment I met you." I crush my mouth to hers, reveling in her startled gasp. She tastes even better than she smells, like warmth and belonging. Likemine.

Nova's hands curl into my shirt, clutching at the material. I deepen the kiss, stroking my tongue against hers, and a soft moan vibrates in her throat.

Every cell in my body ignites at her response. I back Nova up until she hits the wall, pinning her in place. My hands roam over her body while we kiss, mapping her curves and the softness of her skin. She arches into my touch with a quiet whimper, her fingers twisting in my hair.

We're both breathless by the time I break away, resting my forehead against hers. Nova peers up at me, eyes glazed and lips kiss-swollen.Beautiful. She's so unbelievably beautiful.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment we met too," Nova admits in a whisper.

My heart swells at her words. She feels it too, this connection between us. This undeniable pull that led me to her, as sure as gravity.

Nova ismine. And now, there's no going back.

But as much as I want to claim her right this minute, Nova is too precious for that. I want everything between us to be perfect. And she's worth waiting for.

So instead of ravishing her like I'm dying to do, we cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together. Simply holding her in my arms like this is enough. And as her head lolls against my shoulder as she falls asleep in my arms, I realize that even if this is all she ever wants, it would be enough for me.

Simply having her sweet presence in my life is enough.

* * *

My obsession with Nova consumes me as I follow her every move, monitoring her social media and tracking her location. I know her schedule by heart, the places she frequents, the people she spends time with. Nova has become my sole focus, my entire world revolving around her.

When we kissed, something inside me shattered and reformed. A part of my soul fused with hers, our lives now inextricably intertwined. Nova ismine, and I will do whatever it takes to keep her. To protect what's mine.

I always felt a connection with her. Since the moment I first heard her voice over that headset, I knew there was something there. I just never imagined that it would bethis.

I watch Nova through the window as she gets ready for her night out with friends, a surge of possessiveness flooding my veins. Those men who stare at her, desire her, covet what belongs to me—they don't deserve to breathe the same air as her. If any of them so much as lay a finger on Nova, I'll rip their hands from their wrists.

Nova steps outside, stunning in a little black dress and heels, her blonde waves tumbling over her shoulders. She pauses on the front step, scanning the quiet street, and for a moment, I swear her gaze lands on the shadows where I lurk. My heart leaps as I consider Nova sensing my presence, calling out for me to join her.

But she only shivers slightly against the chill and walks to her car, unaware of being watched. Of being protected. Nova drives off into the night, and I follow close behind, refusing to let her out of my sight.

Nova will soon realize we were meant to be together. Because if I can't have her, no one can.
