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"Nova, damn it, listen to me!" Blaze's voice is a raw wound in the quiet street. He's been standing outside my house begging for forgiveness for hours.

My heart is a clenched fist in my chest, and confusion reigns where certainty once dwelled.

"Fuck," I whisper to myself. The word hangs heavy in the confined space, echoing my vulnerability. I'm unraveling, threads of trust pulled loose until all that's left is the barest essence of who I used to be before Blaze seared himself into my life.

My phone buzzes again, relentless. I flinch, torn between the desire to hurl it out the window and the need to hear his voice, to demand answers I'm not sure I want. I finally glance at the screen.

Please, Nova... just hear me out.

I can practically hear the desperation lacing his words, imagine the furrow in his brow as he types, fast and frantic.

“Nova? Are you there?" Blaze's voice comes from outside my front door again, and I flinch as if struck. "Beautiful, please, talk to me."

But I don't.

I can't.

* * *


The ghostly glow of my computer screens is the only light in the room, casting long shadows across the walls. I sit there, the silence oppressive, a stark contrast to the cacophony of my thoughts. Nova's absence is a gaping wound, one that throbs with every beat of my heart.

"Dammit," I mutter, dragging my hands down my face, feeling the stubble scratch against my palms. The tattoos on my forearms are a colorful blur in my peripheral vision, reminders of a life that suddenly feels foreign without her in it.

I stand abruptly, pacing the length of my apartment like some caged animal. Every step echoes her name, bounces off the walls, and ricochets back into my soul. I've got to fix this, make it right somehow.

"Nova..." Her name escapes my lips, a prayer for redemption. I need to give her space, but the thought of not reaching out, not trying to mend what I've broken, is suffocating.

I grab my phone, flipping through the contacts until her name appears. My thumb hovers over the call button, trembling. No, I can't. Not yet. She needs time. She's ignored all my attempts.

My grip tightens on the phone, a lifeline I'm too afraid to use.

Instead, I draft yet another message, pouring all the longing and regret into words on the screen.

Nova, I am sorry. More than you'll ever know. I will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to earn your trust again. I swear it.

I hit send before I can second-guess myself. It's a small step, but it's something. A declaration. I toss the phone on the bed, the sound harsh in the stillness.

I move to the window, staring out at the world that no longer holds any appeal. The flashing neon signs, the endless stream of cars—they're all just noise, background static to the silence she's left behind.

"Fuck," I breathe out, pressing my forehead to the cool glass. "Please come back to me."

I spend the rest of the night there, lost in memories of her laughter, her touch. With every passing hour, the desperation claws deeper, embedding itself into my very being. I run through scenarios in my head, each more elaborate than the last, of how I can prove to her that I am worth a second chance.

* * *


The night's silence is a shroud, suffocating and complete. The room pulses with the ghost of his presence—every shadow seems to whisper his name. Blaze. My fingers twitch, aching to text him, to end this torturous void between us. But my heart recoils, a fawn startled by the snap of a twig. Trust, once broken, lies in jagged shards at my feet.

"Damn it," I murmur, voice hoarse with the remnants of tears that refuse to fall anymore. I push out of bed, the sheets cold, empty—like the space where he should be. I pace, restless as the thoughts that claw at my sanity.

My phone vibrates, a siren call. It's not him, but the temptation to reach out is an itch beneath my skin. "What are you doing, Nova?" I mutter to myself, picking up the device only to set it down again.

"Staying away because you're scared? Or punishing him?"

I know he's giving me space—space I demanded—but the hollow echo of the apartment responds with no consolation. My chest tightens, the weight of solitude pressing down until breathing feels like a luxury I can't afford.
