Page 117 of Lost Kingdom

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“But I can’t fly,” I said quickly, explaining about my lost magic.

“That’s notexactlytrue,” Rainer said with a warm brotherly grin. He took my hand and pulled me toward the trees. “Come on, let me show you something.”

“Wait,” I said, holding back. Yaro had told us not to leave the path. Except, that was a warning based on old legends, and despite the creepiness of this forest, I’d seen no signs of anything dangerous. I couldn’t miss the chance to fly home with my brother.

“Are you all right?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Yes,” I said. “Let’s go.”

Rainer and I wove through the trees for some time until we were standing at the edge of a ravine. The fog had dispersed here. It looked like we might be close to the northern border of the forest. Far below, a river snaked through the snowy landscape, the churn of water echoing across the canyon. The sapphire sky stretched out to the farthest corners of the horizon in front of us. A flock of birds chirped happily as if they were as excited about my brother being here as I was.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, breathing in the scents of damp earth and fresh snow as a brisk breeze whipped my hair back.

He pointed south. “That’s the way home to Stormrail. Keep the rising sun on your left and the setting sun on your right and fly straight until you get there.”

I smiled, trying to recall what it felt like to fly, to soar into the endless blue.

He took a step toward the edge and extended his hand to me. “If you hold my hand, my magic will extend to you, and we can fly home together.”

My eyes widened when I realized he wanted me to jump off the cliff with him. “Um, I—I don’t know,” I stuttered, shrinkingback. I wondered if he had a similar gift to Jeddak’s ability to transfer his healing magic to another.

“It’s time to go home, Rae.”

He was right. Since I’d been captured, all I’d wanted was to find my brother and rediscover my past. And here he was, offering to take me home.

“But what about my magic?” As much as I’d been dreading going to Askeland and witnessing Jeddak’s reunion with the love of his life—who clearly wasn’t me—I still wanted my magic back.

“Now that we have the Azurstone, the elders will be able to restore your magic,” he said.

I was silent for a moment, knowing I should be elated by this news. Except … I wasn’t. Leaving with Rainer meant I’d never see Jeddak and Kah again. I knew I’d eventually have to say goodbye; I just hadn’t thought it would be so soon.What does it matter?I chided myself. My feelings for Jeddak were tied into his web of lies. Whatever feelings I thought we shared were never real. And now that Rainer had found the Azurstone, I couldn’t help him save his fiancée anyway.

“All right, but I have to tell Jeddak and Kah that I’m leaving,” I said, pushing away the sadness that had risen in my chest.

“We’ll fly to them first,” Rainer agreed.

Be brave, I told myself as I clasped his hand. He pulled me so close to the edge of the cliff that my stomach flipped when I looked down.

“Look up,” he said, his eyes sparkling when he noticed my unease. I doubted he’d ever seen me so nervous at the idea of flying. His hand tightened around mine. “Now we jump!”

As I leapt from the cliff, I saw a flash of wings and then something slammed into my chest, shoving me backwards onto the hard ground. I landed on my back with a grunt, the air knocked out of my lungs, my eyes wide with shock.

“What the hell are you doing?” a deep voice demanded.

I recognized the voice and the alabaster hair in my face. It was Skyler. His body was sprawled on top of mine, his weight crushing my ribs as he held me firmly to the ground.

“Get off of me!” I shrieked, panting as I tried to shove him to the side.

“No chance,” he said, perching his face inches above mine. “Not until you explain why you’re trying to jump off a blazen cliff without your magic. You would have killed yourself!” He sounded angry.

“I’m not trying to kill myself, you idiot. My brother was going to help me fly.” I struggled unsuccessfully to get out from underneath him, praying Rainer hadn’t left me yet. “Brother!” I shouted toward the sky. “Wait! Don’t go!”

“Your brother?” There was genuine surprise in Skyler’s voice as his head whipped around to scan the area. “He’s here?”

“Yes! He was standing right beside me. Right before you knocked me over.”

Skyler’s face turned back toward mine. He blinked several times as if I were speaking a foreign language and he was trying to translate the words in his head. “Raven—there wasn’t anyone on the cliff with you.”

“What do you mean? He was right there. He was holding my hand and …” I trailed off.
