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“That’s very kind of you to offer,” Nicky said. “But I’ve got plans.” She looked at her wristwatch. “Which, if I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late for.” She smiled at Tom. “It was nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Tom’s smile widened, and Mike’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at his friend.

“Are you sure you can’t change your plans and stay?” Sam tried to entice her, glancing pointedly around the store. “I know how much you love spending time in this place.”

“As tempting as that sounds,” Nicky laughed, “I have to go.”

She turned to Mike and said, “Call me when you’ve made a decision.” She looked at Harry. “It was good to see you again, Harry.”

With that, Nicole left the store, and Mike stared after her, finding himself having to suppress the urge to try and make her stay for pizza as he wondered where she was rushing off to. Mike gave himself yet another mental shake and stern talking to before he managed to make himself move so his friends wouldn’t think he was a complete idiot.

“Nope, you definitelyneverhad a crush on her. I think you may not have found the right one because you let her get away when you were sixteen.” Harry slapped Mike on the back before walking toward the pizza, chuckling.


Thesunhadbegunits descent, casting a warm golden hue over Tigertail Beach as Nicky walked back from Sully’s Corner to Scott House. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing backdrop for her thoughts. Her stomach was in knots about the offer she’d made to Mike for the bookstore. Buying the store now seemed like an impulsive decision she’d made at the height of excitement after Nicky and Hannah saw the for-sale sign in the store window.

Nicky hadn’t allowed herself the chance to talk herself out of making an offer. Instead, she’d phoned her best friend, Mandy Oliver, now a real estate agent in Naples, for advice and what to offer. Mandy had given Nicky a ballpark figure and asked her to wait a few days before making an offer. Mandy would be back in Marco Island in a few days and could do a proper evaluation. But Nicky knew if she’d waited even a few more hours, she’d probably have talked herself out of her decision. So, Nicky took a breath, wrote the offer on a piece of paper with her number, and walked to the store to put in her offer.

Sully’s Corner held a strong sense of nostalgia for Nicky. As a girl, she often pictured herself owning Sully’s Corner. In her mind, she went back to when she’d told Mr. Sullivan how she’d take over his store but expand it to include a coffee shop that maybe sold some trinkets. Mr. Sullivan had been swept up in her musings and admitted that he’d always pictured putting up a beach hut leading from the store. He wanted to sell refreshments and rent beach chairs, beach game items, etc.

Nicky stopped for a second and let her eyes scan the beach. She looked back to where Sully’s Corner was perched in the perfect position, with its back deck nearly reaching the sand. She could picture selling soft-serve ice cream, sodas, water, juice, and other summer refreshments. Maybe in the winter, Nicky could replace those refreshments with winter warmers. She could even have it as a juice bar for runners, cyclists, and walkers. Nicky smiled as her heart fluttered once again with a mixture of excitement over having put in an offer, fear that she may have done the rashest thing of her life, and anxiety over whether or not Mike would accept her offer.

Nicky blew out a breath as she turned to carry on home. Her thoughts meandered through the labyrinth of the past six months of her life. Her steps took her across the sandy expanse of Tigertail Beach, a route she’d taken countless times during her childhood and teenage years. This beach held a special place in her heart, offering solace and tranquility whenever life became overwhelming. Over the years, Tigertail Beach had become her confidant, with the sand offering comfort and the sea soothing her soul.

Lost in her contemplations, Nicky nearly didn’t notice a figure sitting a little distance away. By the shake of her shoulders and how the young woman held her head, it looked like she was weeping. When Nicky first saw the woman, it was like seeing a haunting reminder of the many times she’d sat on the beach, sobbing into her hands. Nicky stopped walking and hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not to approach the young woman. As Nicky took a few steps closer, she could see the woman was pregnant, and something about her pulled at Nicky’s heartstrings.

Following her heart and intuition, Nicky cautiously approached her.

“Hi,” Nicky said gently. Her heart was bleeding for the young woman as she looked up at Nicky with tear-streaked cheeks. Nicky recognized the look of despair in the woman’s eyes. “Are you okay?”

The young woman’s eyes were red and puffy from crying. She sucked in a shaky breath and gave a faint nod. “I’m... I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine.” Nicky settled down beside her in the sand, offering a sympathetic smile. “You look like someone far too young to be battling with all the despair I see in your eyes.”

The young woman hiccupped, wiping away a tear, and sighed. “It’s just... my life feels like it’s falling apart.”

Nicky’s empathy deepened. “Do you want to talk about it?” She gave her a warm smile. “Sometimes speaking to a stranger helps because they don’t have any preconceived opinions about you.” She tilted her head, looking at the young woman. “Sharing your burdens with someone can also make them feel a little lighter.”

The young woman hesitated for a moment before letting out a shaky breath. “I don’t even know where to start. Everything feels like a mess.”

“How about with introductions?” Nicky held out her hand. “I’m Nicky.”

The young woman gave her a small, appreciative smile. “My name’s Megan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Megan,” she replied, as Megan took her hand and shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you, Nicky.” Megan let go of Nicky’s hand and rubbed her extended belly. “Oh, she’s kicking again.”

“Oh!” Nicky’s eyes widened as she saw Megan’s pink t-shirt do a small jump.

“Here.” Megan grabbed Nicky’s hand and put it on her stomach.

Nicky was amazed to feel a few thumps against her palm as if the baby was trying to push her hand away.

“Goodness, that’s quite a kick!” Nicky laughed, pulling her hand away. “How far along are you?”

“Just over eight months.” Megan ran her hands over her protruding belly, sadness darkening her eyes. “And what an emotional time it’s been.”
