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“Won’t it make you sad to sell her?” Jade asked, and Nicky saw she was slowly moving Jade toward buying Arrow.

“She’s hardly ridden anymore, and Lorry and I won’t let her go to just anyone,” Nicky assured Jade.

“Are you trying to sell my niece a horse?” Mike’s deep voice rang in Nicky’s ears, making her jump and turn to look at him.

“Nicky’s trying to talk me out of wanting to buy Midnight,” Jade told him. “She feels Arrow is more suited to me.”

“I have to agree with Nicky,” Mike said. “Arrow is a beautiful horse. I watched you riding her. The two of you have a connection. It was like watching a well-harmonized symphony.”

“Wow!” Jade’s brows rose high on her forehead as she stared at her uncle. “Five minutes owning a bookstore, and you’re talking like a poet.” She laughed and hugged Mike. “You’re so cheesy, Uncle Mike.” She looked at Nicky. “Thanks, Nicky. I’m going to think about our talk.” She looked at Arrow. “Would you mind if I rode her for the summer?”

“Not at all,” Nicky told her. “Maybe we can meet once or twice a week and ride together.”

“I’d like that,” Jade said excitedly.

“That’s if it’s okay with your uncle.” Nicky looked questioningly at Mike.

“I don’t mind.” Mike looked at her, amazed. “Thank you.”

“I love riding.” Nicky shrugged. “I come here as often as possible, and if Jade’s free, I don’t mind bringing her with me if she wants to ride.”

“Yes, thank you, thank you,” Jade squealed in delight and threw her arms around Nicky. “I’d love to.”

With that, Jade led Arrow off to tell Gemma the exciting news.

“You do know that if you bring Jade, you’ll probably have to bring Sam’s kids as well?” Mike warned her.

“I don’t mind.” Nicky grinned. She loved kids, and maybe being around a bunch of teenagers on horses was precisely what she needed to help her heal. “How did you enjoy your ride on Storm Chaser?”

“Wow!” Mike said with a low whistle. “He is great.”

“I know. Storm can be as gentle as a soft spring breeze, but don’t let that fool you,” Nicky warned him. “He can be even more temperamental than Midnight.”

“I bet!” Mike ran his hand through his hair. “I was sent here to bring you to the picnic area for something to eat.” His eyes ran the length of her. “Are you wet?”

“Yes, Midnight and I went for a swim in Horses Pond.” Nicky laughed at the look of surprise on his face. “Midnight loves to swim.”

“Thank you for talking my niece out of wanting to buy Midnight,” Mike said. “It was better coming from you than me. I’m just the worried parent figure. But you’re this experienced horse whisperer who is an amazing rider with a horse woven from silver thread.”

Nicky’s heart fluttered, and her throat went dry as his words seeped through the ice in her veins and started to warm her cold heart. She gave herself a mental shake and hoped she wasn’t gaping at him as she gathered her composure.

“Thank you!” Nicky cleared her throat. “Shall we go eat? I’m starved.” She changed the subject.

Before he could answer, Nicky nearly knocked Mike out of the way as she made a nervous beeline to the table where Harry and Sam had set out the picnic. Her heart was hammering wildly in her chest, and she felt all tingly from his compliment—a feeling she hadn’t felt in many years.


Mikewasfinishingtheinventory at Sully’s Corner while his mind wandered back to when he and Jade had gone horse riding a few days ago. It had been an unexpectedly enjoyable day at the Bailey’s horse ranch. They had gone there for a trail ride with his niece and Harry’s family to find a horse to buy Jade. But they were joined by four of the Scott sisters, including Nicky, and the day had turned into a picnic at Pan’s Waterfall.

Mike sighed as he pictured Nicky perched on top of her ethereal horse. Their combined beauty had taken his breath away. Nicky was skilled on horseback, and Jade had taken an immediate liking to her. While he was a little self-conscious being a new rider around Nicky, he’d soon relaxed as she never once teased him or judged him on being so green when it came to horseback riding. Mike had also made a mental note to send her a bouquet to thank her for talking Jade out of wanting to buy Midnight and set her sights on Arrow instead.

It was such a relief when Jade told Mike she would prefer Arrow as her Christmas gift on the way home from Bailey’s Ranch. Then, for the rest of the day, Jade couldn’t stop talking about Nicky and all the tips she’d given Jade about riding. The two of them planned to meet on Wednesday. Mike’s heart lurched at the thought of seeing Nicky again when she came to fetch Jade. He gave his head a shake.

“Good grief, I’m acting like a schoolboy with a crush,” Mike muttered as the soft jingle of the store’s front doorbell caught his attention.

He snorted as his heart once again skipped a beat at the thought it might be Nicky coming to discuss her offer for the bookstore. He took a steadying breath and forced himself not to rush to the door. But when he reached the front, his heart sank as he saw Mandy Oliver, a local real estate agent, waving at him through the glass.

I really need to get a blind to cover this door.Mike sighed and glanced at the window to see the for sale sign was still there.
