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“Hi, Mandy.” Mike welcomed her inside.

“Hello Mike,” Mandy greeted, stepping into the store, and they exchanged pleasantries.

“I hope you didn’t come to buy a book,” Mike joked, knowing it was more likely Mandy came to visit because of the sign in the window. “Because I’m not open for business right now.”

Mandy grinned and replied, “No, I’m not much of a reader,” she admitted. “I prefer to wait for the movies to come out.”

“Some of my friends are like that, too.” Mike laughed.

“I’m here to do an assessment of the store for Nicky. She’s quite interested in purchasing it,” Mandy told him. “I know she’s already made you an offer, but I want to assess it anyway.|

Mike nodded, though his uncertainty about selling the store was evident. “Ah, yes. I’ve been considering the offer, but I must admit I’m not entirely sure if I want to part with my late uncle’s legacy.” He sighed. “I think I was too hasty to put up that for sale sign after Jade and I first got here a few weeks ago.”

Understanding his hesitation, Mandy leaned forward slightly, her tone sympathetic. “I understand, Mike. It’s never easy to let go of something with such sentimental value. But from a business perspective, Nicky is the right person to ensure Sully’s legacy is well taken care of.” She shook her head. “You could always find Nicky in here when we were young.”

“I know.” Mike glanced around the cozy bookstore, his fingers tracing the edge of an old bookshelf. “You may be right about Nicky, but it’s still a difficult decision for me.”

Mandy nodded, her eyes fixed on Mike. “I can appreciate that. It’s a big step. That’s why I’m here to help you determine the store’s value and provide guidance.”

Mike gestured toward the rows of books. “Well, go ahead and take a look. I’m curious to know what it’s worth.”

Mandy appreciated his willingness to cooperate and began her assessment. After a thorough examination, she joined Mike at the front of the store.

“Mike, I have to be honest. Nicky’s offer is more than fair. In fact, it exceeds the market value of the store.” Mandy looked around, her eyes falling on the double doors that led to the back balcony that overlooked the beach. “The building needs quite a bit of work.” She nodded toward the sea. “But the store’s location is its biggest worth at the moment.”

“Yes, that and Sully’s rare book collection,” Mike told her and noted her head snap toward him, her eyes wide with interest.

“Sully has a rare book collection?” Mandy looked at him in surprise.

“Yes, but it’s not part of the shop’s inventory.” Mike glanced toward the sea as memories of his uncle flashed before him, squeezing at his heart before he looked at Mandy again. “It’s his own private collection.”

“Pity.” Mandy pulled a face. “That would increase the store’s price and make it more attractive to other potential buyers should you not accept Nicky’s offer.” She walked to the counter where Mike was standing. “But honestly, I advise you to seriously consider Nicky’s offer. It’s probably the best you’ll get for this place.” She raised her brows. “Nicky will run it as a bookstore while other parties interested in it would be development companies as this is a prime spot for the tourist trade.”

“Great. That’s just what we need—more malls.” Mike shook his head and blew out a breath, his brows furrowed as he was torn by the decision. He ran a hand through his hair as he held Mandy’s eyes. “I appreciate your input. It’s just that this place holds so many memories.”

Mandy placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s not easy, but sometimes, life takes unexpected turns. If you decide to sell to Nicky, you’ll ensure that Sully’s Corner continues to thrive.” She pursed her lips. “If you wait to sell, you could lose Nicky’s interest in the property and open the door for a development firm.”

Mike nodded slowly, processing her words. “I suppose you’re right. I just need some time to think it over.”

Mandy smiled, understanding his reluctance. “Of course. But remember, Nicky is the best person to entrust this place to.”

Mike contemplated her advice for a moment. “I know Nicky is waiting for an answer. I just can’t decide.” He shook his head. “I’m sure that out of everyone on the planet, my uncle would love for the new owner of his store to be Nicky.”

Mandy’s face lit up with a smile, and he could see an idea forming in her mind. “Why don’t you consider letting Nicky buy into the store.” She glanced around again. “That way, you’re not losing it entirely but taking on a business partner. That will give you a cash injection to renovate, modernize, and get the store up and running.”

Mike’s eyes brightened at the suggestion. “That sounds like a good idea.” His mind started clicking over with possibilities.

“You could run the store together for a few months.” Mandy’s eyes reflected her thoughts. “That will also give you more time to decide if you want to sell it.” She grinned. “It will also keep big development companies from swooping in and turning this beautiful part of our town into a tourist trap.”

“You don’t like big development companies much, do you?” Mike laughed at the look Mandy shot him. “That’s strange for a real estate agent.”

“I’m a real estate agent with a conscience who wants to preserve my heritage and keep the natural beauty of our coastline,” Mandy’s voice was filled with contempt. She pulled a business card from her purse and handed it to Mike. “Here is my card. Let me know what you decided, and if you want to look into a partnership for a couple of months, I’ll set that up with Nicky.”

“Thank you,” Mike told her, taking the card. “I think that’s an intriguing offer. Just give me a day or two to think it over.” He looked at Mandy’s business card. “Have you taken over your parent’s real estate business?”

“I have,” Mandy told him as she headed toward the front door. “They’ve retired and headed to their condo in Tampa.”

“Nice.” Mike smiled as he opened the door for her. “I’m glad you took over their company, and it’s good to know you hold the same property values that your parents did.”
