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“With my mom,” Nicky answered.

“Aww,” the teenagers’ voices were filled with disappointment.

Jade put Belvedere’s harness on, and before they left, she turned to look at her uncle. “Have you told Nicky yet?”

“No, I was about to,” Mike said.

“Told Nicky what?” Nicky’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Mike shared his and Jade’s good news. “Jade and I are going to make Marco Island our home.”

Nicky couldn’t help but smile at the news. It was a significant change, but it meant more time with Mike and Jade, and she was more than happy to welcome them to the island.

“That’s wonderful, Mike.” Nicky looked at Jade, whose smile had widened. “I’m sure you and Jade will love it here.”

“We do so much!” Jade’s voice was filled with passion.

“We’re looking forward to keeping riding with you too, if you don’t mind, Nicky,” Gemma said shyly.

“Of course, I don’t mind,” Nicky assured them. “I love riding with the two of you as well.”

“And what about me?” Mike raised his hand, not wanting to be left out. “I thought I’d been doing quite well learning to ride Midnight.”

“Yes, you have.” Nicky laughed, thinking about the last four times she, Jade, and Gemma had gone riding, and Mike had joined them, insisting on riding Midnight.

“I think Midnight and I have become good friends,” Mike stated proudly.

“You’re lucky that Nicky asked one of the grooms to exercise him before we arrived at the ranch.” Jade laughed.

“Or Nicky would’ve had to rescue you again,” Gemma reminded him, and Mike pulled a pretend hurt face, grabbing his heart.

“That was one time.” Mike shook his head and rolled his eyes. “And the first time I rode the beast.”

“Maybe we can teach Riley to ride when she’s old enough,” Gemma suggested.

“I like that idea,” Jade said.

Nicky’s heart swelled. She also liked the idea of having them all in her life and glanced at Mike, her heart doing a few flips. Her attention was taken away from Mike when Gemma and Jade left.

Mike turned to her, his expression tinged with regret. “I’m sorry I have to do this,” he began, a troubled look in his eyes. He pulled a face, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. “But I need to head to Miami for a few days to take care of some things.”

“Okay!” Nicky felt a mix of emotions, but she managed to put on a reassuring smile. “Is it to do with your business in Miami?” she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Mike sighed, his gaze briefly dropping to the counter. “That’s one of the things I have to sort out in Miami,” he admitted. “Before we came up here for the summer to deal with my uncle’s estate, I was in the process of selling the business.”

Nicky’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh!” she exclaimed.

“I need to get that deal finalized and also handle some matters with the house,” Mike explained, running a hand through his hair in evident frustration. “I’m really sorry about leaving you hanging, especially since the book launch for the reopening was my idea.”

Nicky waved off his apology, her support unwavering. “Don’t worry,” she assured him. “I’ve handled my share of book launches.”

Mike appreciated her understanding, but he couldn’t help but feel concerned about leaving her with so much on her plate. He glanced at his wristwatch and then back at Nicky.

“I’ll be fine,” she reiterated, dismissing his concerns. “Is Jade going to Miami with you?”

“No, she’ll be staying with Sam,” Mike replied. “Harry is coming with me, and we’re driving to Miami together.” He paused briefly. “Would you mind looking after them during the day when Harry and Sam are at work?”

Nicky nodded warmly. “Of course. Jade and Gemma can stay at Scott House whenever they want.”
