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“Oh, yes,” Nicky said, recalling being interrupted by the movers. “We got busy with the movers.”

“I still think you need a bigger storage space than a ten-foot lockup,” Hannah told her before moving the subject back to the divorce. “You were about to tell me how your lawyer basically ripped up the divorce contract and started again.”

“She didn’t exactly rip it up,” Nicky said. “She shredded it with her new shredder.”

“Rebecca Dean is a tough attorney.” Hannah’s eyes widened, and she blew out a breath.

“Rebecca believes in fairness and said the divorce was nowhere near fair.” Nicky pulled into the middle lane to get past a truck. “She said that Eric’s attorney had tried to sweeten it by having Eric not contest the ownership of the house and giving up the substantial savings in the joint account.”

“I can see why Rebecca would pounce on that.” Hannah agreed with Rebecca’s findings. “You bought the house, and the money in the joint account was all yours.”

“I know, but I never saw it that way.” Nicky felt small and petty again. “We were married, and as far as I was concerned, we shared everything.”

“And then some!” Hannah’s voice was laced with anger. “You financed his life, his business, the secret house for hisotherfamily, and a brand-new car for her.”

“That’s why Eric wanted me to accept our house and what was left of the money in our joint account.” Nicky cleared her throat as pain and anger washed through her at the reminder of what the audit had found.

“It was why he balked and tried to stop you from getting your legal team to go through everything you owned.” Hannah’s eyes blazed as they narrowed into slits. “Gran was right. Eric had a shadow side to him that he hid from you.”

“Oh, yes, Gran!” Nicky sighed. “I love her to the moon and back, but I hate it when she’s always eerily right about things.”

“I don’t think even she saw that Eric had another family you were supporting,” Hannah said. “I cannot believe that man. I’m glad your attorney took over and redid the divorce terms.” She gave a smug smile. “Which he couldn’t contest, and now you get most of his profits from his new business alliance with All-Star Sport Management.”

“Yes, that merger was the reason he could finally get a divorce from me!” Nicky couldn’t stop the bitterness and anger in her voice. “He no longer needed me to fund his life.” She took a breath to calm the anger that was resurfacing and was supposed to have been left behind in Miami. “Sorry, Han, I didn’t mean to get all venomous there.”

“Oh, no, please!” Hannah pulled a face. “You need to get alotmore venomous about this than you have been.” She raised her eyebrows. “That snake used you and then tried to get rid of you as soon as he suddenly came into a fortune so he wouldn’t have to share it with you.”

“I don’t like to think that was his intention.” Nicky bit her lip. No, Hannah was right. Eric was using her to fund his and his other family’s life. He was the worst kind of snake.

“It most certainly was, and I’m so thankful for Rebecca Dean.” Hannah shook her head. “I think she deserves a medal.”

“I honestly just wanted it all over with,” Nicky said honestly. “I want to move on now and start a new chapter of my life.”

“Well, with the sale of your house, what was left of your savings, and the monthly revenue from your share of the All-Star Sport Management and Rogers Sport Management amalgamation. You can do so quite comfortably, too.” Hannah pointed out.

“I’m thinking of investing most of it,” Nicky voiced her plans. “And I want to find a nice little store to start a bookshop that has a coffee shop.”

“I was just about to say that,” Hannah told her. “You had a dream to start Cozy Corner Coffee and Books.”

“You remember that?” Nicky smiled at her sister.

“Of course, I do,” Hannah said. “Jess even drew you sketches for the store.”

“Yes, and she made me samples of homemade coffee cups, plates, and even cutlery.” Nicky’s mind raced as her dream of owning her store resurfaced.

“Oh, gosh, yes, they were gorgeous.” Hannah turned in her seat to look at Nicky. “I think Gran uses them for her special readings.”

“She does.” Nicky nodded. “It’s going to be nice to stay at Scott House until I find a place to live.”

“I’m thinking maybe a cottage near Scott House,” Hannah suggested.

“Maybe.” Nicky shrugged. “I’m not looking that far ahead. Right now, I’m just getting through each day one step at a time.”

“Exactly!” Hannah agreed. “And there’s no hurry because I know for a fact that Mom is looking forward to having you at home.”

“It’s just her and Gran in that big house now.” Nicky glanced out the window as they drew closer to Marco Island.

“I love this part of the drive as we pull into town.” Hannah rolled down her window and stuck her head out.
