Page 40 of Valkyrie Heart

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"Dax," she whispers. "I had the worst dream."

I don't have to heart to tell her it was no dream.

"All is well,lyseste ljós. You're safe."

Apparently, though I say little, I still manage to speak too much.

Her expression falls.

"It wasn't a dream."

I don't lie to her. I cannot.

"Nei, Valkyrie. It was no dream."

"Did I…" She pauses to wet her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue. "Did I kill them?"

"You can't kill what's already dead, Rissa."

"You keep saying that," she whispers.

"Because it's true." I stroke my fingertips along her cheeks. "I won't allow you to carry guilt that doesn't belong to you. Thevarulvwillingly sold their souls to the dark upon death. They allowed the Forsaken to twist what they were into what they became. They were already dead. There was no Light in them left to extinguish, just like there is none left in the Forsaken. You expose the shadow in their twisted souls to the Light, a Light they haven't felt fall upon them in Gods only know how long. That isn't death. That's mercy."

"They screamed like they were dying," she mutters, shivering at the memory.

"Dark doesn't give way to Light easily,lyseste ljós."

She frowns at me.

"When you turn on the light in a room, does the shadow hide or does the light vanquish it?" I ask her.

"How should I know?"

"Humor me, Rissa."

"I don't know, Dax. I never thought about it. I just turn on the light."

"Ja. You just turn on the light and the shadow goes away. The same thing happens here. You shine your Light, and the shadow burns away. But if the shadows in that room could speak, do you think they'd go silently,lyseste ljós? Or do you think they'd scream their defiance the whole way?"

"I don't know. I never thought about it," she whispers. "I guess they'd probably scream."

"Ja. They would. The dark doesn't give way to the Light easily," I repeat. "It goes with a scream of fury, reminded that the only thing more powerful than the dark is the Light. The only thing capable of defeating the dark and burning away those shadows is the one thing it loathes. Light." I brush my thumbs across her cheeks. "They didn't scream as if they were dying, Rissa. They screamed in horror. They screamed in rage. For the first time in thousands of years, the Light fell upon them, and they were forced to remember what they willingly gave up."

"Their humanity?"

"Love.Alt du gjør er gjort i kjærlighet."

Her gaze flits across my face, searching. "Sometimes, I feel like what you say is right at the forefront of my mind, as if I should be able to remember it and I just can't recall. It's so familiar, even though I've never heard the language before."

"Your heart remembers, Valkyrie, even if your mind does not."

"What did you say?"

"I said that all you do, you do in love."

"Oh." She swallows audibly, her throat working. "You felt what I did tonight, didn't you?"

"Ja," I whisper.
