Page 55 of Valkyrie Heart

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There's nothing we can do about the fact that they were missing for half a day. Hopefully, work will just assume they opted not to come back, and they won't remember enough of what happened to disagree. Dax already promised to intervene if it looks like they'll be fired.

There's nothing we can do to hide the fact that my dad was murdered. But I have a feeling people won't look too deeply. If they come looking for me, they won't find me. I'll be in Eitr where I belong.

The town still stands, and Abigail is safe for now. But we're going back as soon as we're finished here to help drive thevarulvand Forsaken away. They can't have her. I won't let them.

"What is it, Rissa?" Dax asks.

"What is that?"

He glances down, looking at the little glass bottle he nearly stepped on. It looks almost like a vial from a science lab, only ancient. Whatever is inside looks like a thin rope of light twisted around itself.

"Helvete," he mutters, bending down to scoop it up, an uneasy look on his face. He holds it out to me. "I believe this is your father's soul, Rissa."

"Oh," I whisper, reaching out to take the small vial from him. It's so tiny, only a few inches long, and barely any bigger around than an ink pen. The soul is even smaller. "W-what should I do with it?"

"It's up to you. You're the only one who can touch it."

"I think the Forsaken were going to use it to open the portal somehow," I murmur.

"Probably. They use souls as if they're made to be fuel."

I start to take the stopper off to free his soul and then hesitate. I tuck it into my pocket instead. "Maybe I'll just hang onto it for a little while. At least until we're sure it won't get stuck wandering earth."

"Whatever you want,lyseste ljós." He brings my hand to his lips, brushing a kiss across my knuckles. "Whatever you want."

"You," I say immediately. "I just want you, Dax."

His bright smile soothes my soul and sets it ablaze at the same time. "Then it's a good thing that I'm a very accommodating Fae, isn't it,lyseste ljós?" he purrs. "Because I'm already yours."

"I'm yours too, Dax," I whisper, raising up on my toes to press my lips to his. "Forever."

"Ja, you are." His lips come down on mine, his kiss healing.

"Uh, Damrion?" Malachi shouts from upstairs, breaking us apart just when it starts getting good. "We have a situation!"

Dax and I both turn at the sound of his voice. Dread creeps through me. I'm tired of situations. My life has become nothing but one big situation.

Damrion pokes his head out of the kitchen. "What kind of situation?"

Malachi appears at the top of the stairs, shock written all over his face. "A woman tied up in the bathtub and Reaper not letting anyone close situation," he says. "I think she's Valkyrie."

Dax and Damrion bolt for the stairs at the same time. I run after them, eager to see this situation for myself. For once, it sounds exactly like the type of situation I can handle.

A Fae warrior bonding a Valkyrie with Forsaken running amok?

Yeah, I might know a thing or two about that.
