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“Yeah,” Arman said. “We’ve been around for a while.” He suspected if Justin believed them and they weren’t just playing a joke on him or role playing or something, that he wouldn’t like that his sister was interested in Arman, just because of the age difference. Though Arman’s being a vampire too, that could be a real point of contention.

“How come I’ve never seen any of your fangs?” Justin asked.

“You don’t want to see them,” Fiona said.

Arman didn’t know how she was feeling about her brother knowing. She’d come around pretty quickly to learning what they were, but she was a hunter with a special power. Her brother was only human with all the frailties of his kind.

Fiona released her breath. “Alright, everyone who has them, show my brother your fangs. He needs to know what we’re potentially up against during the blood moon.”

All the vampires showed their extended canines, but Caitlin, though Arman knew it was because she just couldn’t show them off whenever she wanted to unless she was angry. The display by all the vampires there was really impressive, Arman thought.

Justin’s jaw dropped, but then he smiled. And like Fiona, Justin said, “You guys are really into this, aren’t you? Weird, but cool. Dental implants? They look real.”

The vampires, except for Caitlin, all hid their fangs.

Justin appeared to be a little puzzled at that. Implants couldn’t disappear.

Then Arman nodded to the rest of his friends, and the vampires all just…vanished.

“Now do you believe them?” Fiona asked. “Not that it didn’t take some convincing for me also.”

“It’s…it’s some kind of trick,” Justin said.

Arman didn’t blame Justin for not believing in it. Arman and his friends reappeared, but farther away. Then they flew back to where Justin and the hunters were standing. Even Caitlin had gone with the vampires that time. She had more trouble with her canines, but with vanishing and flying, she was getting to be a pro.

Arman glanced over at Justin. He was sitting down on the ground, looking as though he’d fallen where he’d been standing, his mouth agape.

“Are you okay?” Fiona asked, rushing over to help him up, but he was too wobbly, and he couldn’t stand. She sat down beside him.

“If you’re a hunter and I’m a human, that means we’re not related?” Justin asked, tears in his eyes. He appeared really shaken by all this.

“We’re brother and sister, but maybe not by blood,” Fiona said.

Arman knew she had to tell him all of it at this point. When and if they had a fight with vampires while they were protecting her, they had to make sure that Justin knew what was going on and stayed safe if they were to keep him here.

“Your parents aren’t the same as mine?” Justin asked.

“No. I was given to your parents to raise, and I never knew my own.”

“What about Uncle Nat and Aunt Bea?”

“I believe they might have been my parents, and they were paying for a lot of our things over the years, treating us like we were sister and brother and their niece and nephew.”

“Where are they now? If you knew about all this, did you know about that too?” Justin sounded upset with her.

“I didn’t know about any of this. Not until Arman and his friends came into my life to rescue me. My parents are coming here.” Then Fiona explained about the dream business.

“Do you believe any of this?” Justin asked.

“I do. I have to. Not only are the others here to protect me, they’re here to protect you too.”

“Is that why Michail and Shelly came to get me? I thought I had won a trip here. And to see you? None of that’s true? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, except about seeing me. They wanted you to be protected too.”

Justin glanced at all the vampires and hunters there.

“We’re here for you,” Cadfael said. “For you and your sister.”
