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“You feel it. You share them. You know. You had dreams of him.”

“Okay, true. So you had dreams with him?”

“I could see into his dreams. I saw into yours. When you were just a toddler, your mom and I had to leave Dallas because Tobias had turned your mother in an attempt to control her so that she would help him use me. But she turned me instead.”

“How did you end up with the dreaming ability?”

“I was born with it, just like you were, but it takes time before you even realize you have it. And it does grow on you.”

Did that mean if Fiona had a child, he or she would have the same ability and then they would have to deal with rogues like Regina and Tobias trying to take control of her child? “What can I do with it?”

“My grandmother had the same ability. For her, she was able to change nightmares into comedy or something pleasant and an agreeable dream into a nightmare.”

“For whom? Could she do it with anyone?”

“For anyone. I have the same abilities. But I also can suggest changes in someone’s behavior.”

“Like telling Arman I needed help.”

“Exactly. I couldn’t force him to do it. He had to make his own decision whether to help you, but having already met you earlier and liking you, and because he and his companions were known to help people in need, he was the perfect candidate for the job. I knew if anyone could rescue you, it was him and his friends. Since that day when you had first met him, their little vampire pack had gained a couple of new members who would only be a help in getting you to safety and keeping you safe until your mother and I could arrive.”

“But if Tobias arrives here, then he could control Mom and make her fight us too.” It was hard to believe her mother could be forced to hurt Fiona, but for Tobias to get his way, he would do anything that gave him the advantage.

“Yes. We need to protect her as much as we need to protect you. I couldn’t leave her on her own in another country for fear Tobias would get to her,” Fiona’s father said.

“Okay, I understand. So what happens when the blood moon is here? I’m already having the dreams and some control over them. What changes?” she asked.

“You’ll be able to get into anyone’s dreams whether you’re sleeping or not, targeting someone, or just ‘listening’ in. You can tell them to do something you need them to accomplish, a suggestion that is so real that when they wake, they’ll know they have to do it.”

“Kind of like a vampiric suggestion, or command of a human.”

“Right, but you can do it with a vampire.”

“Oh, sure. I’ve done that with my friends.”

Her father smiled.

“I didn’t give them nightmares.”

“But you can. And when you turn eighteen, you’ll even be able to give someone like Regina or Tobias nightmares or suggestions.”

“Why couldn’t you do that with them?”

“I hadn’t had my full abilities yet, and Tobias was after me, trying to use Bea against me. We had to leave. But I don’t know if you’ll have the same abilities as me.”

“When did you get your abilities?”

“I was twenty-five and it was during the wolf moon.”

Fiona sighed. “So if Tobias comes here, what are you going to do with Mom?”

“As much as I hate to do it, but she also agrees, we’ll have to lock her up so he can’t get to her easily.”

“And we’ll have a couple of people post guards. Uhm, how do you feel about Arman turning Justin?”

“It was a good call. He’s our son too. We feel that with all of our hearts, and we want to him to continue to be part of our lives. It would have been too risky for him to fight ruthless vampires like Tobias without being one of us,” her father said. “It’s your choice, but we would feel better if you were also one of us.”

