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“Nope,” I say as I drop my backpack and yank off the jumpsuit. “Nope, nope, nope.”

I leap onto the closest tree and scramble up it as fast as I can. The wolves explode into a sprint, snarling and growling violently as they rush toward me in furry blurs. My phone slips out of my hand as I reach for a branch.

My fingers wrap around the rough bark just like they wrapped around metal poles so many times in practice, and I swing myself up just as the frothing wolves arrive.

They snarl and snap as they jump up, trying to reach my foot, but I’m able to use my agility and flexibility to pull myself onto the branch and perch on it out of their reach.

Oh man. If I hadn’t practiced gymnastics for all those years, they would be tearing me to shreds right now.

“No!” I shout as the black wolf stands on his hind legs and reaches up, scratching his front paws on the tree trunk. “Bad dog! Get!”

Another wolf is smelling my phone. Another is smelling my backpack. The other three are pacing around with their hungry eyes locked on me.

At least, I’m safe up here. Wolves can’t climb trees. As long as I stay perched on this branch, they can’t get me.

A loud crack rips through the forest and I’m suddenly falling.

No! The tree branch snapped off the tree, taking me down with it.

I fall hard, startling the wolves for a second. They all dart away, but quickly turn back, growling happily when they see my ass planted on the ground.

I grab the traitorous branch that broke and hold it up like a weapon as they slowly approach.

“Leave me alone!” I scream as I swing the branch at them. My pulse is racing as a fresh adrenaline dump surges through my veins. “Get away!”

They break off and start circling me, so I back up against the tree, swinging the branch at the ones who get close.

The song changes and Shoop by Salt-N-Pepa starts playing. This fun upbeat song is going to be the soundtrack to my horrific death.

I manage to hold the wolves back with the stick, but the black wolf is not intimidated by my makeshift baseball bat. He stalks toward me with his head hung low, sharp teeth showing, lip curled up in a vicious snarl. I swing the stick awkwardly at him. I bet if he could laugh, he would be busting a gut at my pathetic attempt at violence. He doesn’t even flinch as he inches forward.

“Hey!” a deep booming masculine voice thunders out, turning all the wolves’ heads.

They all start to scatter except for the black wolf. He’s still staring me down, not ready to give up his meal just yet.

That’s when I see him. Aiden fucking Hughes, riding in on a huge white horse like the hero he is.

He’s fearless. He’s brave. He’s so fucking hot as he charges forward, scaring all the wolves away.

Even the black one is forced to flee as Aiden comes thundering forward on his horse, hooves pounding into the forest floor as he lets out a sexy war cry to save me.

Relief fills me up from my buckling knees to my unblinking eyes. I stare at him in awe as he comes rushing over and pulls the horse to a stop in front of me. It rises on its back legs and makes a squealing sound as it’s suddenly pulled from a full sprint into a dead stop.

Aiden never takes his gorgeous blue eyes off me as the horse rises and then settles back down.

“Come,” he says as he reaches out a big strong hand.

I grab my phone off the ground, shove it into the pocket of my jean shorts, and grab the lifeline he’s offering me.

His hand is softer than I thought it would be. That’s the first thought that enters my brain as he grabs me and pulls me onto the horse in front of him.

My back is suddenly pressed up against his muscular chest with his big arms wrapped around me as he grabs the reins. I can feel his heart pounding against my shoulder. I can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck.

And as soon as he sends the horse flying away from this near canine crime scene, I feel his hard cock wedged against the top of my ass, rubbing and bouncing with every gallop of his horse’s hooves.

Chapter Four

