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She made a face. “Anything with…flavor?”

I glanced back in the fridge and spotted a couple of cans of pineapple juice. Lord knew when or why I’d bought them. I grabbed one, kicked the fridge door shut, and got to work making her a vodka-pineapple juice drink.

A few minutes later, my mind was still struggling to catch up with everything that had happened as I settled in next to her on the sofa. We stared at the fire, each seated on opposite ends with a cushion between us.

“My dad left when I was fourteen,” she said. “Right as I was starting to get interested in boys. Turned out, he’d been cheating on my mom with another woman. He got her pregnant and now he’s married to her and living in Maryland.”

Whoa. That was…a lot.

“So, you didn’t want to date?” I asked.

“I did, but I could never quite trust anyone.” She shrugged. “If the only man you’ve ever loved lied to you your whole life…”

“Yep.” I nodded, taking another sip of my beer. “Makes sense.”

I wasn’t good with stuff like this. I was probably supposed to say I was sorry to hear that or something. But there was a reason I was better off living alone.

“But with you, it doesn’t matter,” she said.

“Huh?” I turned to look at her, feeling like I must have missed an important piece of the discussion.

“I’m leaving town Monday morning anyway,” Phoebe said. “And once this snow clears up, I’ll be heading up to the wedding. So there’s no need to worry about whether you’ll call me after we’ve…”

Her voice drifted off at the most important part of the sentence. I had to know exactly what she was thinking about doing with me.

Before I could work up a question, she laughed. “You don’t even have a phone. When I leave here tomorrow, that’s definitely it. So…let’s do this.”

She took a long sip of her drink, tipping it up until she drained it. I watched, not speaking, waiting for her to clarify. When she set the now-empty glass on the coffee table beside her, I had to figure out exactly what she meant by “do this.”

But when she stood and asked, “Where’s your bedroom?” there was no doubt about what she meant. She reached out a hand, like she could actually help lift me off the couch.


My words cut off as her hand slid into mine and she gave a little tug. What was I going to say? No?

Like hell I was. I had to see where this was going.



Today, I would lose my virginity. Once I made up my mind to do it, there was no turning back.

I followed Dallas to the only room inside this cabin with a door—a door I’d assumed led to the bathroom. But no, it was a bedroom. Not a huge one, but something that was at least separate from the rest of the cabin.

“It’s dark in here,” I commented as he stopped in the center of the room, steps from a large bed with a wooden frame.

“Do you want me to open the blinds?” he asked.

I shook my head. The dim lighting was perfect. No man had ever seen me naked, and I was nervous about it. If I believed he couldn’t see my flaws, this would be so much easier.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

I stepped closer, moving his free hand to the small of my back. That seemed to send the message.

He released my hand and moved that hand to my back as well. My entire body seemed to tremble as I rose on tiptoe and pressed my body to his.
