Page 3 of Sinful Duty

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Chapter 3


Gianna was mine. It didn’t matter that she was Patrina’s sister. The moment my eyes met hers I knew that she was the woman meant for me. There was a softness, a kindness to her that reminded me of a soft bunny. She was my little bunny, my zaika.

The bruise on her cheek enraged me and Leo and I would be having a chat about it. If her family or any of the Zima’s touched her again, they’d answer to me. Alliance be damned. It pissed me off to no end that Patrina dared to show her face to me. When I saw her in the chair that belonged to Gianna and only Gianna I almost pulled out my gun and shot her. I hated that woman. She was everything I despised.

After Patrina had moved and Gianna was seated, I was happy to see that Hazel was seated next to her. Hazel was as kind as she was beautiful and her love for my zaika made my heart smile.

I continued to hold Gianna’s hand, unwilling to let it go. The sound of her father's voice grated on my nerves but I refused to allow him to know how much I disliked him. “As Gianna is more to your liking, when should we expect this alliance to be finalized?”

“Alliance? I thought this was a marriage to unite two families but yet still a marriage.” I stated. “As for when, let’s enjoy dinner, and then Don Zima and I can discuss business and any details. Agreed?”

Leo smirked as he replied, “Agreed. I loathe discussing business over a family meal.”

“As do I. Zaika, have you met my younger brothers, Nikandr and Daniil?”

“I have not. It’s lovely to meet you. May I ask, what does Zaika mean?”

“Little rabbit,” Nikandr chuckled. “Brother, I never knew you to use such terms of endearment before. I do admit that Zaika is quite appropriate.”

I watched as Gianna’s cheeks turned an adorable pink.

“What was the pet name that you had for me, Kostya? Oh yes, suka. That was it. It sounds so tender and loving. Who knew how sweet a Russian could be.” Patrina took a drink of her wine wearing a cruel smirk on her face.

Before I could give her a response, my ever-quiet brother, Daniil said, “Suka means bitch.”

Both Patrina and her mother gasped whereas Hazel and Leo were fighting a losing battle not to laugh. I looked down at Gianna and while she had her hand over her mouth to give the appearance of horror, I noticed that in truth she wanted to laugh.


After dinner, my brothers and I followed Leo and Aldo into Leo’s office. Once settled I stated, “Unless you have an injection, I would like to have this wedding business concluded tomorrow.”

“I agree, the sooner the better,” Leonardo nodded.

“Yet as her father, I do not agree. We haven’t discussed how this alliance will serve our family. She is my daughter andI wouldn’t feel right about putting her into the hands of our former enemies,”

Leo’s eyes narrowed at his uncle. I could already see he would be a problem for him in the future. “Aldo, terms have already been agreed to,”

“Consider yourself lucky, Aldo. If I had my way I would have added your hands as part of the terms for touching what is mine.” I glared darkly at Gianna’s father before looking back at Leonardo.

“Aldo, have Gianna here by nine am. You may go.” As the man stood to leave Leo added, “Touch her again and I will take offense.”

By his breathing, I could tell the man was fuming but I also didn’t care. Gianna would be away from them soon enough.



My wedding day. I knew one day it would happen but I never thought it would happen so quickly. I didn’t mind, I never wanted to be the center of attention so the faster it happened the faster it would be over. Even though I knew all eyes would be on me as the bride, the thought of Konstantin being with me calmed me.

After showering and getting dressed in jeans and a plain light blue shirt, I headed down the stairs to breakfast. Father was already sitting at the table and still fuming from the night before. “Good morning, Father.”

“Did you pack your bags last night? Once this sham of a wedding is over you’ll no longer be my problem.”

I quietly sat down as a bowl of fruit was given to me. I sat quietly eating my breakfast, not wanting to make Father any madder. I looked up as he pushed an older-style flip phone to me. I quickly glanced up and looked at him.

“You will do as I say and take note of anything of interest. When I call, you will answer, am I clear? Fail me and I will take you out myself.”
