Page 32 of The Artist's Muse

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Chapter Thirteen

For being in captivity for the better part of sixteen hours, Nicole was in good shape. She needed food and water, but other than that, her time with the kidnappers didn’t seem to have hurt her.

As soon as she was untied, she threw herself into Prince Theodore’s arms and he held her close. “I’m so glad you’re all right,” he whispered.

“I was worried about you. I watched you go down after being hit over the head. What did he hit you with anyway?”

Inspector Lyle stepped forward. “Did you see who hit the prince?”

Nicole nodded. “Yes, of course. It was Marquis Christopher. I remember thinking I was surprised he was doing his own dirty work.”

The inspector nodded. “He’s been arrested, and many of his cohorts have as well. I have to say that I’m surprised just how deep this rebellion went. I have to wonder what he was offering others.”

“Political favors mostly,” Officer Beckwith said. “He’s made a lot of promises about what he’d do as soon as he was king.”

“And what were you going to get out of it?” Lyle asked.

“Head of the royal guard,” Beckwith said, looking down at his feet. “I was stupid to be turned so quickly.” The man was obviously ashamed of his behavior through the events.

“Yes, you were,” Nicole said, glaring at the man. “When I first saw him, I thought he was there to rescue me.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll spend some time behind bars, where I think he’ll be rehabilitated to never do anything that stupid again,” Lyle said, shaking his head. “You showed a lot of promise Beckwith.”

Theodore, his posture impeccable even in the throes of exhaustion, sat quietly beside Nicole, who was drawn into herself, shell-shocked by recent terrors.

“Are you all right, Nicole?” Theodore’s voice broke the silence.

She managed a nod, her fingers absently brushing the fabric of her dress—a nervous habit she’d had since childhood. “I’ll be fine,” she whispered, her gaze lingering on the passing scenery, a picturesque blur of greenery and architecture.

Theodore observed her profile, noting the strength it took to utter those words, the bravery that underpinned her quivering exterior. His heart ached with a mixture of admiration and guilt. It was his fault she was kidnapped.

“Your courage never ceases to amaze me,” he said quietly, his hand inching closer to offer comfort, yet hesitating, unsure of his right to do so after all that had happened.

Nicole turned to him, a flicker of a smile on her face. “And your loyalty never fails to inspire me, Theodore. Even when—”

“Even when peril shadows our every step,” he finished for her, his tone firm, resolute. He reached out, capturing her trembling hand in his own.

As the car drew up to the palace gates, they shared a look that carried the weight of their shared ordeal. The inspector, a silent guardian throughout the journey, opened the door with a respectful nod. “We’ve arrived, Your Highness, Miss Nicole.”

“Thank you, Inspector,” Theodore replied.

He extended his hand to Nicole, who accepted it as they left the car. Together, they ascended the palace steps. Yet, it was not the palace that loomed largest in their minds but the fright of what may have been.

“Home,” Nicole murmured. “It may not be my home, but as a subject of this kingdom, the sight of the palace always makes me feel like I’m home.”

“I can see that,” Theodore responded, squeezing her hand ever so slightly as they passed through the towering doors. “You are safe now, and that is all that matters.”

“Whatever comes next,” he promised as they made their way inside, “we’ll get through it. Were you hurt in any other way? I know I should have asked sooner, but I was afraid of the answer.”

She shook her head. “I was hit on the head as you were. And I was tied up as you saw. My wrists are a bit sore, but I wasn’t raped or anything. Just taken from you. I think Christopher took me because he knew I was looking into him. I don’t know if it was the calls I made or simply that he saw us together, but he didn’t like my meddling.”

Prince Theodore nodded, gripping the hand in his more tightly. It would be a long while before he would be able to let her out of his sight.

Nicole nodded, her resolve steadying her once more. “Now what?” she asked.

“Now, we speak to my father.”

Nicole shook her head. “You so calmly say your father, when we all know you’re talking about the King of Theron. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having you in my life.”
