Page 45 of The Artist's Muse

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“Then by the power vested in me,” the minister continued, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

As the final syllables resonated through the sacred space, a collective breath was released, and the nation exhaled alongside its new princess.

They arrived at the palace, where servants hustled to prepare the wedding supper. The scent of roasted meats and exotic spices wafted from the kitchen, promising a feast fit for royalty.

“Everyone’s been working around the clock,” Theodore murmured to her, squeezing her hand. “For us.”

“For us,” Nicole echoed.

After supper, he escorted her to the lavishly decorated ballroom. “May I have this dance?” Theodore asked, offering his arm with a bow that was equal parts playful and courtly.

“Of course, my prince,” Nicole said, accepting his invitation. Nicole allowed herself to be swept away by the rhythm, her earlier fears dissolving.

Later, in the room they would share, they stood together looking out the window at the fireworks that had been set off in celebration of their wedding. “Nicole,” Theodore whispered.

When she turned toward him, he held out an envelope, embossed with their intertwined monogram. “I planned a honeymoon for us. I thought we’d go to a private island.”

Nicole’s first thought was it sounded like a dream. Yet there was something unpalatable about it.

“I... I don’t think I can leave right now,” Nicole confessed. Her heart longed for adventure, but another part clung to the safety of the palace.

“Hey,” Theodore said. “This is your home now. We’ll only go if you want.”

She leaned into his touch, the warmth of his skin grounding her. “Let’s have our adventure here.”

“Here,” he agreed, smiling. “Our first journey will be discovering each other.”

Theodore’s hands traced the curve of Nicole’s spine. His touch ignited a fire within her.

Their bodies entwined. The room was filled with the intoxicating symphony of their breaths mingling, hearts beating in time. The world seemed to stand still as they surrendered to the rhythm of their desires.

Nicole felt Theodore’s love wrap around her, offering solace and strength. Every caress whispered promises of a future where they would conquer the world together. They didn’t need faraway places to be happy. They had their own kingdom right at their fingertips.

Chapter Nineteen

Theodore and Nicole painted together in their private studio. A silver platter bearing the remnants of a breakfast feast for two rested on the antique table between them, an intimate setting within the grandeur of the palace.

“Your technique has improved tremendously,” Theodore remarked, his voice laced with genuine admiration as he gazed at the canvas propped against an easel.

Nicole’s cheeks flushed with a warm glow. “I could say the same for you,” she replied, her eyes flitting toward his canvas, where a stormy seascape spoke of passion and tempestuous nature. “You capture emotion with every stroke.”

“Ah, but it is your work that captures the soul,” he countered, moving to stand beside her. His hand found its way to the small of her back, a gesture that grounded her.

Drawing a deep breath, Nicole allowed herself to lean into his touch. The past two weeks had been a dream of love and creativity. Yet, outside the sanctuary of Theodore’s room, reality loomed—a world that demanded she step forward as his partner, not just in marriage but in royal duty.

“Nicole,” Theodore began, “it’s time we venture beyond these walls. The people are eager to see their new princess.”

Her heart constricted at the thought, fear creeping through her. “I know,” she whispered. “But the mere thought leaves me paralyzed. I can’t seem to do this alone, Theodore.”

“You will never be alone,” he assured her. “I shall be right there, at your side. And if I can’t be then Eloise or Amanda will.”

“I need you,” Nicole confessed. “More than you could possibly imagine.”

“Then you shall have me,” he vowed, the sincerity in his eyes unwavering. “At every turn, with every step—until your confidence outshines even the brightest star in our sky.”

“Promise?” The word hung between them, fragile and laden with hope.

“Upon my honor,” he pledged, sealing his vow with a kiss upon her forehead.
