Page 9 of Group Hug

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“Weston, don’t be a dope.” I roll my eyes. “Any female with a pulse would enjoy that view. Plenty of men would too.” I wave my hand up and down indicating his deliciousness. “False modesty is ridiculous. I also see you working out every day to maintain that ripped physique.” I feel my face suddenly flaming as I try to squelch the memory of fantasizing about his body when I use my vibrator. Maybe I’ve given too much away, so I quickly change the subject. “I’ve been meaning to ask, do you ever run? I’d like to start doing that in the early morning before it’s too hot, or if Callum would join me, maybe after he’s back from work in the evening.” I look down. “I’m still too much of a chicken to go on my own because…” I trail off seeing that Weston understands immediately that I’d never want to run into Randy—or even Ben—out on my own.

“Have you filled Callum in on your story with the losers?”

“Yes. He knows about them. It’s been nice not having any contact with either of them since moving here. I’m probably safe from them because they don’t know how to find me.”

“I wouldn’t bet on it. Those kinds of people can be pretty fixated as well as resourceful. And I get the sense they both may have wanted money from you given that you think Randy might have something to do with drugs and Ben lost his job. They sound like real opportunists who might even do you some harm.”

“Now you’re scaring me.”

Weston moves closer and gently wraps his arms around me. “I certainly don’t mean to frighten you. Sorry. We just need to stay careful.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head, and I don’t know what comes over me. Well… I do, but I’m not ready to admit to myself that I have a severe itch that needs some scratching. I raise my face up to look him in the eyes and openmy mouth slightly. I hope he gets the message without too many cue cards.

Weston’s eyes dilate and he tilts his head, then slowly leans in for a proper kiss. It’s gentle and sweet. But I’m not in the mood for gentle or sweet. I nibble his lip and lick it. And that’s it. His kiss goes from zero to sixty in about two seconds. It’s hot and probing. He tastes divine, and his tongue… oh God. It’s everywhere at once, and the pressure of his lips… Oh. My. God. I’ve never been kissed like this in my life. It’s as if nothing exists in the whole world but his mouth on mine. Finally, he pulls back a little and I breathe, “Weston.” I feel drunk on his kisses.

“Tell me to stop,” he growls. He sounds so sexy I can’t believe it. I have to close my eyes.



“Don’t stop,”she says all breathy, and I wonder what’s happening to me. All of the good reasons I had for staying away seem to have flown out the window with one little kiss. Petra is the epitome of female delight, and I have this overpowering need to protect her. She’s smart, talented, and so gorgeous, she’s like the perfect birthday cake. Beautiful to look at and delicious too. I suddenly want to gorge myself on her. I tighten my grip on her and practically ram my tongue down her throat. Instead of shying away from my aggressiveness, she whimpers and presses herself against my bare chest. The feel of her tits against my body is heaven.

I’m such a liar. That business about the dress shirt was a load of malarkey. Yes, I wear one for my appointments, and I hate having to iron shirts, but I also know that walking around the house half-dressed all the time has made both of my roommates pay attention to me. I also know that I would look perfectly professional in a polo shirt or a Henley and wouldn’t have to worry about ironing. I’m no idiot—just a little full of myself. I’veseen how they both look at me, and I generally sport a semi whenever I notice their expressions of lust. I’ll have to knock it off when the weather gets colder, but for now, I’m enjoying the silent praise. And Petra has now openly confirmed her attraction. Before today, I could chalk it up to just friendliness or being generally cuddly.

But now… wow. Kissing Petra is taking on a life of its own. I can’t get enough of her moans and whimpers, so I slide my hands down her body, grab her cute butt and lift her up. She’s as light as a feather as she springs up, and her legs instantly wrap around me like she wants to be even closer. The heat of her burns through my shorts. I swear I’m immediately as hard as titanium.

Finally breaking the kiss so we can come up for air, I growl in her ear, “I want you so fucking badly right now. You have no idea.”

“I have a pretty good idea, actually. Shall we skip lunch and just go for the good stuff?”

I lean back a little and look at her face. Her lips are swollen and wet, and her eyes are filled with pure lust. “Are you sure, Petra? I don’t want to step out of line and make you uncomfortable or do anything that would make you want to move out. I like having you here too much.”

“And I like the idea of you having me. Let’s go upstairs. I can only take so much of you flashing your body at me.”

I turn to leave the kitchen and almost collide with the dogs, who are all trying to beat one another to get to the back door. In what feels like slow motion, Petra and I turn our heads toward the kitchen door as it opens, and in steps Callum carrying a large, sturdy shopping bag. The room fills with an amazing aroma. “Ready to eat?” he asks and then stares at us. “Oh.”

Petra is still in my arms with her legs wrapped around me like she’s a dancer and I’m the pole.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Callum.Nice to sound so accusatory, asshole.

He frowns. “Nice to see you too. First of all, I live here. Second, I told you both I had the afternoon off today, so I was planning to bring home the leftovers from this morning’s class for lunch. But I guess you both had other… things on your mind and weren’t paying me any attention.”

Petra slides out of my arms and rushes to him. “I’m so sorry. I was barely awake when you left this morning. That’s a dumb excuse, but it’s all I have. Thank you for thinking of us again, Callum.” She reaches for his arm, but he avoids her, heading for the kitchen table instead. His face is full of dejection as he begins to unload food packages.

“You both look wide awake now. I’m sorry if I interrupted your plans.”

“It’s not what you…” Petra starts and stops. We both know itwas about to be.

“It’s okay. If you two want to mess around, I can mind my own business.”

“That’s not a very nice way of putting it,” I tell him.

He levels me with a stare and asks with a derisive snort, “What would you call it?True love?”

“Well, maybe not yet, but…” I don’t know how to make this less awkward, and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Petra gives me a funny look, so I say, “I just remembered, I have another appointment in a few minutes. I’ll leave you two to have lunch, and I’ll be back down later to fix my own.” I feel like a jerk, but avoidance seems the prudent course of action at the moment. It’s official: I am complete chicken shit. Now they’re both probably upset with me.


