Page 129 of The Men of Sea View

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Zach’s pager went off. “Fudge.” He got up, bending over the couch to kiss Lisa. “I’m not on call, but all hands on deck.”

She got up and followed him to the door. “Stay in touch. I hope it’s nothing awful.”

He kissed her again. “I’ll call later.”

“Come back if it’s not too late. I’ll probably be awake until eleven.”

Yawning, she watched him go through the gate. It had been a long day. Her phone beeped again, and she went back to the couch. It was Ryan.

Can I call?

She answered:yes.

“Are you going to Kassandra’s house for Thanksgiving dinner?”

“I think so, Ryan. I’m bringing Zach if I go.”

“Okay. I’m bringing Betsy, the nurse.”

“You are? What happened to Jolene and Tiffany?”

“I’m going to commit to Betsy. Remember, I’m going to Las Vegas this weekend for work.”

“I remember. Are you taking anyone with you?”

“Betsy has to work. I teasingly asked Kassandra, and she said yes.”

“She’s already looking for a new man,” Lisa said. “Are you interested?”

“Not in the least. I told her up front I wasn’t attracted to her, and she laughed. It’s for friendship only. I really like Betsy. Are you okay with that?”

“I shouldn’t care, but I do, and I am okay with it. She’s a decent and kind woman. But you have some work to do with Megan, Ryan, if you want to have a relationship with her.”

“I know. She’s a little intimidating.”

“Megan? Ryan, why? She’s just a kid.”

“She’s smart, Lisa. When I’m around her, I feel like she can see right through me.”

“It might be time for me to come clean with her,” Lisa said.

“She’s too young.”

“I’ll think about it. It’s going to come out someday, anyway. I think Sandra and Laura are in cahoots, and any information they have will eventually be shared with all.”

“When did that happen?”

“It seems like when you moved out, you became fair game. Why would Sandra betray Max’s desire to adopt Morgan?”

“That’s my fault, okay? I didn’t see my own kid for weeks at a time, and she lived across the street. She called me Mr. Maddox at dinner tonight.”

Sputtering, Lisa didn’t tell him Alison had already shared that news. “I’m glad you’re getting it together, Ryan. Maybe Sandra did you a favor.”

“She did. Okay, so next Thursday, I’ll see you and my family at Kassandra’s, along with that fireman.”

“They call themselves firefighters now. But yes, you will see us, and I’d appreciate help with your girls.”

“Okay, you’ve got it. I’ll be in touch while I’m away.”
