Page 14 of The Men of Sea View

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“What if I had said no to this?” Tony asked.

“I knew you’d agree,” she said. “Anyway, you’re under no obligation.”

“Wow, I’m really a pushover.”

“Tony, no way. I thought we already went over all this. Is that what you really think?” she asked, mortified. She shushed him and followed Igor into the house. “Look at that view! Yes! This is what I want, to be right on the water. To have all this space to raise our family.”

Igor glanced at his son, whose baffled expression spoke volumes. “Do you like it, Tony?” he asked.

“You know me, Dad. My needs are simple.”

“Tony…” Kassandra said.

“Look, as long as this is what you want, I’ll be happy here. I already said it’s closer to work. I won’t have to be out of town for days at a time.”

“I’m sorry a partnership wasn’t in the offering,” Igor said to Kassandra.

“I didn’t really want that. But I would not stay an associate forever, either. This forced me to decide. Get busy and have a family, or make a stink about the partnership. I realized I didn’t really want that, anyway.”

“They are idiots for letting you get away,” Igor said. “I’m truly sorry about that.”

“I thought when you retired, she’d take your spot,” Tony said. “When that didn’t happen, I knew she was biding her time.”

“You did?” Kassandra asked. “You said nothing.”

“I didn’t want you to feel bad. I thought that group used you to do the scut work.”

“They made me feel like I was their assistant sometimes, but I got paid well, and this house proves it.”

“Okay, so is it a deal?” Igor asked, looking at his watch.

“Honest to God, Dad, are you rushing her?”

“No! I swear I’m not. Andy and Sandra are on their way, and I want to keep the negotiations private.”

“Okay, I guess that’s fair,” Tony said. “What do you think, Kassie?”

“Sold. What about the furniture?”

They walked through the house that Igor had furnished with Pam’s help, and Kassandra said it could all stay. “Just take the things you want.”

“I won’t even charge you for it,” Igor said.

“That’s generous of you, Dad,” Tony said, turning his head to sneer.

“It’s a relief to have this done so fast without having to list it or bargain or any of that. So you’re really doing me a favor. The real estate commission on this would be astronomical. I can pass that saving on to my son and his girlfriend.”

“We might get married,” Tony said.

“Well, congratulations!” Igor said boisterously. “What wonderful news!”

“We haven’t decided for sure,” Kassandra warned. “We’ll have to weigh the benefits.”

“Yes, I guess things are different nowadays. Back in my day, it wasn’t acceptable to live together. I would have never made partner if we weren’t married. Scandal!”

“Thank God it’s not like that anymore.”

“Maybe it is,” Tony replied. “Maybe that’s why an offer for a partnership didn’t come through.”
