Page 153 of The Men of Sea View

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Girlfriends, just a quick note to let you know I’m going to have another baby. Surprise! I’ll have a due date soon, but I suspect it to be around Easter. Ryan and Betsy will help me raise the tyke. Only positivity, please. Love, Lisa.

Then she copied it and sent it to Betsy.Just so you know what’s going on.

Betsy read the text, frowning. The other women in the neighborhood were all skinny snobs. She didn’t let Ryan in on her body insecurities, but it wasn’t easy because she knew he’d had sex with every one of them, except maybe Julie. Betsy hated it that her size made it difficult to trust him.

The sound of a door closing put an end to her reverie, and she got up to look out the window. How was it possible that hunk was hers? Opening the door to greet him, she couldn’t help but smile despite the latest news.

“I know you know,” he said, smirking. “You have the best poker face.”

“I’m smiling,” she said, snorting. “That’s not a poker face.”

He gently pushed her into the house, and when the door was closed, he embraced her. “Betsy, I’m sorry. I swear, I had no idea.”

“I know. She told me.”

As they prepared for their housewarming luncheon, Betsy steeled herself for the conversation sure to swirl around Ryanregarding the baby. It would be the first time the family got together since the news had spread through the hood like wildfire. Even though the women had been told, everyone had to tell their partner, call the other neighbors, even bombard Pam, who for once was steadfast taking Lisa’s side, refusing to get into any gossip.

Pam and Dan were the first to arrive. “Look how lovely,” she said, pointing to the watercolor that still hung where Lisa had placed it.

“Yes, it’s perfect there, isn’t it?” Betsy replied. “I’ll take your coats.”

“We’re supposed to get snow later today. I hope it holds off until after our football game.”

“You’re still going to play?” Betsy asked, grimacing. “After that Thanksgiving nightmare, I might sit this one out.”

“Ha! Me, too. Where’s Ryan?” Pam asked.

“He went to Lisa’s to help her bring the kids across.”

“I should have offered,” Dan said.

“It’s fine. We’re leaving on business tomorrow, so he’s trying to get all the daddy time in he can.”

Pam and Dan made eye contact but didn’t say anything.

“He’s really stuck to his plan to be involved,” Betsy said, looking directly at the couple. “We had Morgan overnight last weekend, and she actually called Ryan Dad.”

“You don’t have to defend Ryan,” Dan said. “Remember, we’ve known him for a long time. It's gonna take a bit to believe his new personality is for real.”

“I don’t have to prove anything to you, though, do I, Dan?” Ryan said, ducking so the toddler riding his shoulders didn’t hit her head on the doorjamb.

“Grandma!” Madelyn cried, running for Pam, while Sierra struggled to get down.

“What’s this?” Pam said, squatting to hug the little girls. “I didn’t even realize you knew who I was.”

It took superhuman strength for Pam not to emote.

“Are youmygrandmother?” Morgan asked, trying to squeeze into the fold.

Alison and her troop had come in behind Lisa’s, and Morgan didn’t want to be left out.

“Sorry, Pam,” Alison said. “Clearly my kid needs some attention.”

Mesmerized, Pam looked up at everyone while she was inundated with affection by the three little girls. “Why are you sorry? I love it. This is wonderful.”

“I gave her hell about spending all her time with Bella,” Dan said.

“Really, Dan? Jeesh. Morgan, I am your grandmother. I’ll be everyone’s grandmother.”
