Page 19 of The Men of Sea View

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Ryan held on to the door, but it was too late. Lisa was bringing up the rear. She saw Betsy right away.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” she muttered, shaking her head.

Mortified, Betsy got up from the table and rushed to the bedroom.

“You weren’t even gone five hours,” Lisa said. “Really?”

The kids were poking around the apartment, the presence of the other woman only an issue for Megan, who sat on the couch, glaring at Ryan.

“I waited until I moved out,” he said, feeling justified. “Why would you come here unannounced, anyway?”

“The kids missed you, jackass. I had no idea, wrongly, it appears, that you’d already have someone else in your bed.” She looked over his shoulder at the kids and called for them. “Come on guys, Megan and Miranda, let’s head home.”

“Sorry,” Ryan said. “I do feel bad.”

“Tough. Rot in hell,” Lisa hissed in his face.

The kids filed past him, not saying goodbye, but Dan Junior was tearful. “I guess this means you’re not coming back tonight.”

“No, buddy, not tonight. But let's talk to Mommy about you visiting here next weekend.”

“Can I, Mom?”

“We’ll see,” Lisa said, glaring at Ryan.

He shut the door as soon as he could, and by the time he got to the bedroom door, steak forgotten, he had an erection again.


Lisa herded the children out to the car, choking back tears. She was immediately regretful for having said things to Ryan that the kids might have overheard. But it was going to be painful for the family no matter how she acted, and she wasn’t about to pretend she didn’t care that he’d left.

Just so the evening wasn’t a complete waste, she asked if they’d like to get an ice cream cone, and of course they said yes. It didn’t make any difference that it was freezing out. They got cones and ate them in the car, everyone’s spirits lifting.

Megan said something about Betsy, and Lisa asked her if it could wait until they were out of earshot of the boys.

“You and Miranda can sleep with me tonight,” she said, thinking it would be more helpful to have the company instead of an empty place next to her.

The night progressed like that as they created a new routine. Nanny Nancy offered to stay overnight. She helped Lisa change her sheets, ridding the room of any remnants of Ryan.

“Since the girls will be in here tonight, I can stay in their room,” Nancy said. “Then if you need another adult, I’ll be here.”

“Are you sure?” Lisa asked. “I really want you to stay, but I feel like I’m overreacting.”

“You’re not, at all. I offered. It will save me a long nighttime bus ride.”

“I really need to focus on getting the attic finished so you and Daniela can take turns living in.”

“That would be wonderful. So, you’re good with me staying tonight?”

“I’m great with it, Nancy. Thank you.”

Nancy spent time with the boys, reading to them, while the girls read to Lisa.

The next morning, Lisa arranged for Sandra and Alison to take the older children, explaining what she’d encountered at Ryan’s apartment.

“I’m so pissed off at him right now,” Alison cried. “Of course, send the girls over. Anything you need, just ask.”

Sandra said the same thing regarding the boys. “I’m not going anywhere for a few days, so let them stay here. I can get them off to school.”
