Page 41 of The Men of Sea View

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“Straying was the last straw.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I had a moment today where I realized I’ll be fine. He was so high maintenance, and his moodiness was affecting the children.”

Pam had a wave of sadness. “I’m sorry I’m not present. I know I let you down again.”

“It’s okay, Mother. You’re doing your own thing. I’m happy for you.”

After the words were spoken, Lisa realized shewashappy for Pam. It might be weird that her mother was now living with and engaged to Lisa’s ex-husband, but Dan and Pam had been together before Lisa got involved with him. And they really made a striking couple.

She was going to let Dan make the move about seeing the boys on Saturday. Cara was supposed to make her plans with him directly, but Lisa hadn’t heard from her. Marcus had said he was going to Pam’s, but that was as far as it went. It would all work out. Lisa had enough on her plate and would only concentrate on issues that she had complete control over.

Daniela woke up from her nap pain-free. She walked to the bathroom without difficulty. Then she insisted on playing with the babies.

“I think I’m on the mend,” she said. “I’d like to stay here for the rest of the week, if I can.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want. How was the daybed?” Lisa inquired.

“It was fine. Quiet,” Daniela answered. “The ocean crashing on the shore blocked out everything else.”

Lisa turned to Nancy. “I suspect you’d like to head for home today.”

“Can I stay, too?” Nancy asked.

“You want to stay?” Lisa asked, surprised. “Wow.”

“Honestly, I have enjoyed being here,” Nancy explained. “If the girls are coming back tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Their eagerness to stay pleased Lisa and made her laugh. “Now that the issue with Ryan is settled, I’ll make sure the attic gets finished. I keep saying that, and something always distracts me.”

“No worries, miss. You go do what you need to do.”

She let the nannies take over and returned to the laundry room, where Saint Mary awaited.

Lisa gazed at the lovely likeness of Mary, her smile serene, her eyes focused downward on something out of sight of the viewer. Lisa shook her head. “What the hell am I going to do?”

Lisa had been counting down the days until her coffee date at ten o’clock on Wednesday, and finally, the day came. In front of the mirror, she brushed back her hair and pulled it through a ponytail holder. A little lip gloss and eyeliner made her feel better about her appearance, even though she didn’t use enough to make a big difference.

Winter had arrived, so she chose a fuzzy sweater and slim jeans. Everything felt big on her, except around the waist.Please, God. She took a deep breath. Going for coffee wasprobably stupid, but she longed for a normal conversation with a normal guy.

Zach Durand was a normal guy. Placing him among the sea of faces who had been acquaintances of Brent’s, Lisa had done a little research in old high school yearbooks. He had been handsome even back then. He was an academic, unlike Brent and his crowd, who were athletes but partiers. Zach had been an infrequent visitor. She Googled his name and was surprised to find out that he’d won an award for his work in the Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services. He devoted his life to helping people. It made her feel like a loser.

“Ha! All I do is breed.”

After one last look in the mirror, Lisa went out to say goodbye to the nannies and her little girls.

“You look so beautiful,” Daniela said. “Your hair is so healthy and shiny.”

“Coffee date?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, with the captain of the group who showed up to rescue Daniela.”

“Oh, boy. I hope he’s a good man,” Daniela said.

“He’s hot,” Nancy said, making them laugh.

“He seems to be a very good man. And he’s single. He knew my brother,” Lisa said.
