Page 49 of The Men of Sea View

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If Ryan had been there, he’d be standing at his easel that was thankfully now gone, unshaven, wearing sweatpants. The sink would be full of dishes, the detritus of the snacks he’d eaten cluttering the coffee table, along with cups of coffee long grown cold.

Hourly, Lisa would come by and try to clean up after him, but he claimed it insulted him. “I can clean up after myself.”

“It’s different,” Daniela said, as though reading Lisa’s mind.

“Confidentially, I like it. It will be better for the kids.”

“What does Miss Pam say?”

Lisa looked at her sidelong. “Did Hocus say anything to you?”

“Yes. She said Miss Pam is pissed.”

Lisa barked out a laugh at the uncharacteristic coarse language coming from Daniela’s mouth. “Ha! Good. She’d better be. What doyouthink?”

“I already see a difference in the children. More laughter. Even Megan seems more relaxed. It was too much, his constant drama, if I’m not speaking[SH3]out of turn.”

“Speak away, my friend. This is not a time to worry if you two are saying too much.”

“Lengua larga,” Daniela said.

Nancy laughed and translated from the kitchen. “Someone with a long tongue that is never in their mouth because they are always talking.”

“Let it out,” Lisa said. “He might never come back, from what I heard. His boss called, and Ryan is already at work, his cohost a girl named Tiffany.”

Nancy and Daniela looked at each other.“Tiffany.”[SH4]

“That’s what I said,” Lisa cried. “What’s with the name? I picture a party girl with a mini dress and false eyelashes.”

“You say she’s his cohost? Find last season on PBS and watch an episode,” Nancy said.

“Good idea!”

Lisa ran for the remote and turned the TV on. Searching through the guide, she found PBS on Demand and scrolled through the different series until she got toRescuing Old New York.

She scrolled through the many seasons. Ryan and Sandra were in the first one, and their likeness on the gigantic screen made Lisa unexpectedly proud. Her family.

“Here it is. I don’t know if she was in all the episodes or not, so I’ll start with the last one.”

Lisa clicked on it and there she was, Tiffany Burnett, with a beautiful cohost Lisa didn’t know.

“Wow,” Nancy said.

Lisa looked over at her with a smirk. “Yeah. How long is it going to take Ryan to hit on her?”

“She might be married,” Daniela said.

“Or a lesbian,” Nancy added.

“I don’t think Ryan would care,” Lisa said. “Someone to conquer.”

They were mesmerized by the video and watched till the end.

“Go back to the first one with Ryan,” Nancy said.

For the next hour, before the children came home, they watched two episodes of the show with Sandra and Ryan.

“They were such an impressive pair,” Lisa said. “They didn’t do the entire season together. Sandra left after Randy paid her off, then Laura came on board. He really couldn’t stand her. Oops, gossip.”
