Page 76 of The Men of Sea View

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He moved to the wall so others could get by them. It wasn’t ideal, having a discussion like this in a public place, but he didn’t think she’d take it well in a bar, either, and he wasn’t going to her house.

“Kassie’s pregnant. We’re getting married.” He added that last bit just to make his case more compelling, even though it wasn’t going to happen yet.

“So what?” she snarled.

“I don’t want to be that guy who messes around on the mother of his children,” Tony replied earnestly. “We’d better call it a day.”

Janine crossed her arms, hugging her body. “This is the last thing I thought I’d hear today.”

“I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”

“Thanks.” She stared into space over his shoulder with such intensity that Tony turned to see what she was glaring at.

“That’s that,” he said, not knowing what else to say.

“You’re ending it,” she stated.

“I am.”

“We’ve been a team for fifteen years, Tony.”

“Yes, I realize that. But times change, Janine. Kassandra and I want a family. That takes commitment.”

“I know what it takes. Fuck off, Tony.”

She turned around and marched off. A wave of heat flowed over him, but at least the confrontation was over with. Once she was out of sight, he went to his car and keyed in Kassandra’s number, but the call went unanswered.

Chapter 9

Kassandra’s phone beeped. She looked at it, face up on the coffee table, and could see that it was Tony. But she would not answer it, so she shut the phone off. Her heart beat so violently, she worried about the baby’s well-being. As an afterthought, she wished she’d recorded the conversation so she could remember every word.

Kassandra had answered the call from Janine Scarpuchi innocently. She’d been introduced to Janine as Tony’s broadcasting partner shortly after she’d met him. There had been so much chemistry between Tony and Janine, and Kassandra loved watching them together, listening to their broadcasts, especially live outdoor stadium baseball games. Their beautiful voices melded together, reminding her of games she had listened to with her father on the car radio, sitting by the lake with the doors open, the live crowds cheering with each home run.

So she hadn’t thought anything of it when she saw Janine’s name, and she’d answered the call right away.

“Tony must have told you our news!” Kassandra gushed. “I wanted to wait because it’s so early, but he’s so excited. You’re one of his dearest friends, so of course he’d tell you straight away. We’re so happy!”

“Yes. Congratulations, Kassandra. But that’s not why I’m calling. I wanted you to know that we’ve been having an affair. Tony and I. For fifteen years. Since before Harry died. Harrysuspected, but I don’t think he minded because of our age difference and all, and he loved Tony.

“Tony tried to break it off with me tonight, and I’m not happy. I can’t force him to see me again, but I can make sure that his relationship with you is as miserable as I am.”

Kassandra didn’t reply, waiting in silence as heat flooded her body. Finally, tiring of hearing Janine breathing, she answered.

“Thank you for calling, Janine. I’m sorry you’re not happy. I hope you can move on.”

Then Kassandra had ended the call, nearly falling over on the couch. Every decision she’d made, changing her life drastically in the past two weeks, marched in front of her vision.

Then the past ten years brought up the rear as she thought about life with Tony. He’d invited her to live with him because she’d worked such long hours, sometimes around the clock, that they’d take advantage of every free moment she had. Because she was so busy, she’d just assumed Tony stayed busy, too, golfing, going to events, working.

Not dating, not sleeping with Janine.

Kassandra was a thinker. She quickly divided her thoughts into two choices. Break up with Tony or forgive him and move on. The entire issue had begun because he’d tried to end the affair. That was commendable, despite the betrayal.

When was the last time Janine and Tony had been together? If Kassandra forgave Tony, would she be able to pick up the pieces and enjoy life again? Or would she make him suffer?

Then she thought of the baby. Poor little thing. She didn’t want to bring her baby into a family of disharmony. That meant either letting Tony go or forgiving him and moving on quickly. Janine’s last words to her would not be prophetic. She would not be as miserable as Janine was, because she would still have Tony.

Tony was the prize. Kassandra had won him, and Janine had lost.
