Page 31 of Renegade

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I kissed him on the cheek. “Sounds good. We’ll make this Christmas the first good one. As mates. Our first family Christmas.”

He slapped my behind when I walked away. “It already is,mate.”

I didn’t have a shift that night so, when we finished decorating, we walked home together. It had only been a month or so since we had the shadow of Dean hanging over our heads. So, we walked, Bishop was in front of me while Fox held my hand and Storm hung behind, protecting my flank. One day we wouldn’t be so cautious—maybe. My mates would always be protective to a degree but not like this, at least, I hoped not. I wanted us all to have a life free of enemies. That was the whole point of ending Dean, to stop looking over our shoulders, living in fear that every day was our last.

“I need pie,” I blurted, seeing the lights from the coffeehouse ahead.

Fox chuckled. “They might have eggnog already.”

I stopped in my tracks. “You mean the drink or the yummy pie?”

“Probably both, V. They also have a gingerbread cream pie. Only for the holidays, of course.”

I put my hand to my chest. “Betsy never told me.”

Storm cracked up. “How dare she. Let’s go straighten her out.”
