Page 110 of Maybe Baby

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I was more surprised when Ray told me that Mark Montgomery is still in Bristol, working with a horse that has no rider? What is going on, Tylar?

Please contact me at your earliest convenience. There are matters to discuss.

Very truly yours,

Trey M. Sinclair, Esq.

My heart did another pitter-pat as I folded the letter and brushed it across my cheek wanting to feel something of Trey in the linen paper. He was right. I fled like a thief in the night. As an employee alone, I owed the Sinclairs more than that. As someone who still loved Trey with all of my heart, I owed him more than that. I was puzzled as to why he wrote a formal letter instead of simply calling my cell and demanding answers, Trey-style.

I grabbed my cell phone and called him. He answered on the third ring.


“Yes, it’s me. Trey, I got your letter today. I’m sorry that I left the way that I did. I owed you an explanation; I just wasn’t sure that I had one.”

“I don’t understand. Did you and Mark split?”

Oh no, how would I explain this without lying or making Trey think badly of Mark? I had to play this carefully. “Mark and I were never together, Trey. We were just friends. I didn’t even say goodbye to him.”

“I’m confused, you never told Mark about your pregnancy?”

“That’s right, Trey. I didn’t want to complicate things.”

All true statements and answers so far.

“Don’t you think might've felt differently about his plans if he knew?”

“He might have, but still, I wouldn’t want someone to be with me out of some sense of honor or obligation. People should be together because they love each other, right?”

“I suppose so,” he said.

“Well, I don’t love Mark; Mark doesn’t love me. It’s as simple as that.”

“I don’t think it's as simple as that, Tylar. What about the child?”

“The child will have plenty of love, trust me.”

“I can’t keep Mark on you know.”

“Is that your decision to make, Trey? Aren’t your parents back? Isn’t your father running the stables and estates again?”

“Well, yes,” he answered, “but...”

“Trey,” I interrupted, “Mark planned on leaving before winter anyway, so why don’t you just let it play out? If you fire him, he’ll know it’s because of me, of what I did. Please don’t make me feel any worse than I already do.”

I knew that I was getting to him.

“I guess there is no harm. I won’t say anything to my father specifically, but I can’t guarantee he won’t figure things out anyway.”

“That’s fine, just let it play out on its own.”

“There’s also the matter of Charlie’s trial. There is a pre-trial investigation being conducted. You’ll need to be here during some of that questioning.”

“I don’t understand. There’s no way that I want to be in the same room with that animal!” I could feel the hysteria rising in my throat.

“Calm down, Tylar,” Trey said gently. “There are loose ends to tie up with respect to the letters he left, the pajamas.”

“What are you saying, Trey?”
