Page 133 of Maybe Baby

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“You mean you didn’t know that until then?”

“Well, I sort of suspected, or maybe hoped…”

She smiled, knowingly.

Gina and I left the mall so that I could make it to the manor by 4 p.m. Trey had texted me twice while we were out.

“Jesus Christ he’s high maintenance,” Gina rolled her eyes.

“But so worth it,” I cooed, smacking my lips.

“Eww, you so want to fuck him again, don’t you?”

“It’s been a few hours.”

“Well,” she said, “I’m no weatherman, but I predict you’ll be getting several inches tonight.” We were both still laughing as Gina pulled up the circular driveway in front of the manor.

“There’s your perfect storm now,” she commented, nodding toward the porch. She popped the trunk and I gave her a hug goodbye, telling her to call me next week. Trey helped me with my shopping bags. I made sure the one from the sex boutique was hidden at the bottom of a larger bag. Trey closed the trunk, waving to Gina as she pulled out. I was going to miss her.

“It looks like you did well at the mall,” Trey noticed.

“You're to stay out of these bags, though. No snooping!”

“Please don’t spend your money on me, Tylar,” he frowned.

I hope he isn’t going to be a Grinch about Christmas.


“You have limited resources. I can afford anything I need.”

“That’s really not the point of Christmas, Trey.”

We entered the foyer. Trey helped me out of my coat, handing it to a waiting Thatcher. I grabbed my two shopping bags from Trey and rushed upstairs to his suite. He could suck the air out of my happy balloon in a nanosecond. I tossed the shopping bags and my purse on his bed, hurrying into the bathroom to pee.

Trey was sprawled out on his bed when I came out of the bathroom, hands clasped behind his head. His legs were crossed, shoes were off, and he was wiggling his toes inside his socks. It was a relaxation thing for him, I thought; I’d seen him do it before. Right now it was simply irritatingly sexy to me. My lustful thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang.

“It’s the doctor’s office,” I said. Trey sat up immediately.

Dr. Hamilton was on the line and asked a few questions about how I was feeling, what I'd been doing just before the fainting spell, and if I was eating and sleeping normally. She suspected that a sudden drop in my glucose level might've caused me to faint. At this stage of my pregnancy my hormone levels were fluctuating constantly along with increased testosterone production. She said that she'd reviewed my blood and urine test results and nothing looked out of range.

Trey poked me and lip-synced for me to ask her about sex. He was getting on my last nerve. I resisted the urge to hand the phone to him so that he could ask the question. He was starting to make me feel like a sex freak.

She’s a very kinky girl, the kind you don’t take home to Mama.My hormones were humming the Rick James tune.

“Dr. Hamilton,” I said, “can I ask you if it's normal to have an increased sexual appetite during pregnancy?” I couldn’tstand the word ‘horny,’ it reminded me of breeding livestock.

“During the first few weeks and sometimes up until the third trimester the production of testosterone enhances the sexual mood,” she stated, unfazed at my question. “It's perfectly normal and there are no risk factors in your case that would prevent you from enjoying sex.”

“What about orgasms?” I asked, flushing with embarrassment. I could tell Trey was all ears as I held the phone out from my face.

“Tylar, you're very physically fit and healthy. I suspect you're worrying perhaps because your orgasms have intensified during pregnancy?”

No, I’m asking because my Hot Nazi boyfriend is looking a gift horse in the mouth!

“Yes,” I answered, “they're more intense and multiple.”

“That’s perfectly normal,” she said, “your entire genital and pelvic regions, including your uterus, are more engorged with blood. That causes your pelvic area to become more sensitive. My advice is to enjoy it while you can. It’s typical during the third trimester to have difficulty achieving orgasm due to the size of the baby. We can talk next week when you’re in if you’d like.”

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