Page 14 of Maybe Baby

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The box contained a black silk thong and matching bustier camisole. I doubted as to whether it would cover my belly button.

Ray blushed for the first time ever. Denise gave a startled ‘Oh My God’!

I was in shock. I turned the box over to see what kind of store sold such skimpy lingerie. The print on the box read, Fred-X of Follywood. I felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

Ray cleared his throat, trying to change the subject, “By the way Ty, I really do like your new hairstyle, and believe me, and I’m not just saying that because I love Denise. You remind me of someone, I just can’t place it at the moment, but you really do look great!”

“Thanks, Ray! Denise is awesome. I love it, too.”

“Tell you what,” Ray continued, “’Neecie and I'll get out of your way. It’s been a long day for you, I know. We’ll see you when you get back to the ranch, okay? You get some rest.”

“Thank you both. It means a lot to me what you’ve done.”

They both gave me a warm hug and kiss. I heard them giggling as they left my room. I giggled too, putting the lid back on the box.


I was alone in my hospital room for the first time in days. I figured I might as well get dressed for bed. I was bored and feeling cheeky, so I decided to try on my new “outfit.” I pulled the tags off the thong and the bustier camisole and took them to my bathroom to try on.

My God, I loved the feel of the silk, but it appeared Jenna had selected a top that was much too small for me. My breasts practically spilled out over the lace-trimmed bodice of the bustier. I studied my new hairdo, admiring my reflection. I was satisfied with my new look, despite the tacky underwear that Jenna had sent. Maybe I'd buzz the nurse’s station for a clean gown after all. I switched off the bathroom light and headed back to my bed. I didn’t see him as I leaned over my bed to flip the light switch. As I reached over the bed for the nurse call button, the sound of his smooth, silky voice startled me.

“Well, Ms. Preston, I see hospital garb suits you well.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, startled. Trey was half sitting, half sprawled out in the only cushioned chair in the room. He'd taken his suit jacket off and tossed it over the back of the chair. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top, his tie was loosened. The sleeves of his french cuffed shirt were rolled up to just below his elbows. His sapphire blue eyes seemed even darker as they flickered appreciatively over my body, coming to rest on the generous cleavage created by the too-small camisole. I scrambled into my bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. I could feel the blush coloring my face; I glared at him for causing it. He chuckled, displaying that magnificent dimple.

“That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?”

“What purpose is that?"

“Showing off your sexy lingerie for everyone."

“Why would I want to do that?"

"Trolling for doctors, perhaps?”

“Isn’t thatyourjob counselor?” I replied smugly.

“I don’t practicethatkind of law,” he snapped, but I noticed a hint of amusement flicker across his scrumptious face. He got on his feet and approached the side of my bed. He lifted a lock of my newly highlighted, layered hair, thoughtfully rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger.

I like it,” he said thoughtfully. “Denise did a very nice job on your hair.”

“Thank you,” I managed a smile.

“I’m curious to know where you got your, uh, pajamas for lack of a better word?”

“Jenna, who else? Denise asked her to stop by my cottage and pick up some of my things, but this was Jenna’s idea of a conciliatory gesture.”

“I see,” he said softly, “and you don’t like the olive branch she offered?”

“Well, it’s not exactly my style in case you haven’t noticed. And it’s too small at the top. Probably Jenna’s way of letting me know I’m built like a boy or something,” I replied, shrugging.

“I hardly think so,” he said a bit derisively. “You’re extremely beautiful but I suspect you knew that already."

I blushed under the compliment, not quite sure how to respond to this unfamiliar territory. I'd never considered myself pretty let alone beautiful. I figured I was okay looking but I didn't spend a lot of time worrying about it one way or another. His closeness was starting to unnerve me; I felt clammy and nervous. Maybe a change of subject would take those piercing blue eyes off of me.

“Tre… I mean Mr. Sinclair?” I started.

“Please let’s dispense with this ‘Mr. Sinclair’ stuff once and for all,” he said, laughing and waving his hand dismissively. “After all, I’ve seen parts of you over the course of this past week that clothes would never cover if it were up to me. It’s Trey, okay?”
