Page 153 of Maybe Baby

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“You know, Tylar,” she said looking at me seriously, “I’m not a huge fan of the Hot Nazi but I have to say that he's done his part so far. Maybe you need to do yours. You can always propose to him; show him how it’s done.”

She squeezed me in a hug just as there was a tap on the bedroom door. Trey walked in, looking a tad sheepish. I think Gina intimidated him.

“Gina, Ian’s in the living room. He was worried when you were gone so long.”

“Shit! I forgot all about Ian. We gotta get to the club. Call me,” she ordered, pointing her finger at me, disappearing out into the hallway. “Later Trey,” she called over her shoulder.

Trey sat down on the bed next to me, putting his arm around me. “Your soup's ready,” he said softly. “Come on; let’s go eat.”

I couldn’t eat and I knew it. There was a huge lump in my throat that needed to be resolved. I turned to Trey, taking his hand in mine, looking into his sapphire blue eyes. “Trey, I love you and only you. When I see my future, I know that I want you in it every day. I know that we aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t perfect for each other.” I raised his hand to my lips and kissed it.

“Tylar,” be breathed, pulling me to him, burying his face into my neck. “I love you and only you. I wouldn’t want a future without you in it. I want you to be my wife.”

“Then why don’t you ask me, Trey?”

He pulled back, staring at me in sheer confusion. “Ihaveasked you, Tylar.”

“Not really. You have said things like ‘I think we should be married’ or ‘I want you to have my last name’ and now, ‘I want you to be my wife.’ Ask the big question counselor.”

“Tylar Jamie Preston, will you please marry me?”

I lunged back into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. “Yes I will, Trey!” Happy tears ran down my cheeks.

“Come on,” Trey said, lifting me up, “let’s go eat something okay?”

We sat at the breakfast bar, eating warmed-up Chunky soup and a salad that Trey had fixed. “What’s in the bag over there?” Trey asked, nodding toward the living room.

“Gina brought me some of her clothes. I want to expand my wardrobe.”

Trey frowned, “You know that I can afford to buy you clothes, Tylar. No wonder Gina thinks I’m some kind of Nazi,” he mumbled. “Saturday we're going shopping for a ring,” he announced. “While we're at it, we will shop for clothes as well. I want the future Mrs. Sinclair to continue making the fashion statements she made today. By the way, are we going to set a date for our wedding?”

“Certainly,” I replied, smiling warmly at my fiancée, “it’s still going to be after the baby's born and I’ve lost my baby weight,” I informed him. “Weddings take time to plan.”

“I figured as much,” he conceded, “just promise me that it’ll take place before our second child’s born?”

“I promise, Trey.”

Trey offered to clean up the kitchen so that I could shower before bed. I was cozy in bed by the time Trey came in. He put Monday Night Football on in our room. How flippin’ romantic I thought, especially on the night of our engagement. Trey propped some pillows behind him and sat up in bed to watch the game. I snuggled alongside him, resting my head on his flat belly. He draped one arm over my back, gently rubbing it. I lay there thinking of the day ahead and suddenly remembered that I had to fill those forms out for H.R.

“Trey, I've some forms to fill out for H.R. due tomorrow. It’s the usual stuff but I’ll need to list my address, emergency contact stuff so Janet will know about our situation.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to her in the morning. Besides, once you get your rock, the secret will be out anyway. I want the world to know that you're mine,” he replied, grinning.

“Trey,” I said, tracing my finger on his muscular bare chest, “there’s still one elephant in the room that we didn’t discuss.”

He gazed down at me, frowning slightly.

“Your phone message from Tess?’

“I’d completely forgotten about that with my obsession over you.”

“So, will you call her back?”

“I didn’t plan to,” he shrugged. “Why, do you want me to?”

“Why’d she call in the first place?”

“I don’t know, perhaps to congratulate me on my impending fatherhood?”
