Page 48 of Maybe Baby

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We walked to a shop called, “Make Me Holey.”

“Body piercing?” I asked, aghast at what Gina had in mind as far as accessorizing.

“Yeah, I noticed you could use some ‘holiness’ Tylar,” she mused.

“I’ve got double pierced ears,” I argued, pulling my hair back so that she could see for herself.

“Yeah nice,” she replied, “but I was thinking you may want to bring a little more focus to that flat, sexy tummy of yours.”

“My bellybutton?”

“Yeah, you have the perfect kind for a piercing.”

“Are you having yours pierced too?”

“Already did darlin’,” she answered.

I hadn’t recalled seeing a ring in it when she was modeling the swimsuits for me earlier.

“I don’t have my banana bell in right now,” she said, “but trust me, it’s pierced and we're both going to get something new pierced today. My treat!”

I didn't love the idea nearly as much as Gina, but what the hell? If I didn’t like it I could always take it out. It wasn’t like it was going to be anywhere that couldn’t be covered by clothing. We went inside and Gina picked up a price list and brought it over to me so that we could view it together.

“So what are you getting pierced today, Gina?”

She was perusing the list as if it was a menu, trying to figure out what she was going to order for lunch.

“I believe I’m going to go with the Vampire’s Kiss.”

“A what—?” I looked at the listing and saw that it went for $120.

“Here,” she said, opening up the pamphlet and locating a picture of it. “Right there,” she said, pointing.

Oh my God, it was a surface piercing on the neck, near the clavicle that had entrance and exit points. The jewelry was either a surface bar or curved bar bell that sported red ball dips to look like blood. It was to look as if a vampire had bitten her neck.

“Are you really getting that?” I exclaimed. “Shouldn’t you ask Ian about it first?”

Gina looked at me as if I had two heads, and then scoffed.

“Yeah, right. I don’t need my man’s permission for what I do to my body,” she replied, laughing and shaking her head. She caught an attendant’s attention behind the counter, waving him over. “Yeah, over here. She’ll be having the Number 14 with the basic hardware. I’ll be having the Number 27 but would like see the hardware upgrade with the genuine ruby ball tips, please?”

Forty-five minutes later, Gina and I walked back out on the street with four new holes in our bodies. Mine really didn’t hurt much at all, but it hurt me to look at Gina’s. We both were given our after-piercing care kits with instructions. I was to shower for the next five days; no bathing. I couldn’t go into chlorinated water unless I wore a bandage covering it for two weeks! So much for showing off my sexy tummy at the pool. I pointed out the irony to Gina, who wasn’t deterred.

“Tylar,” she explained with a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice, “you can still wear a bikini and lay out in the sun with it for Chrissake! I bet Trey will think it’s really hot!”

Don’t count on it.

We got back to the manor at 5 p.m. Gina dropped me off at the front door, saying she was going to return her aunt’s car and be back in a bit. Thatcher opened the front door before I got completely across the porch.

“Good afternoon, Tylar,” he greeted somewhat cheerily. “Will Mrs. Hatton be arriving soon?”

“Thanks Thatcher,” I said, going through the door with my packages into the entry. “Yes, Gina will be back over shortly. We ate a really late lunch so please don’t go to any trouble with dinner. We'll probably just make a sandwich or something later if we're hungry.”

“Very well,” he replied. “Just let me know should you get hungry and we can set up something informal.”

“Will do,” I said anxious to get my stuff up to my room. I'd left my cell phone on the charger all day today. I hurried upstairs to retrieve it, anxious to see if Trey had called. I had a text message from him that came in around 4:30 this afternoon. It read:

“Why is your cell phone not with you?"
