Page 87 of Maybe Baby

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Once spent, I crumpled over next to him, exhausted yet fulfilled at the same time. He stroked my hair with his hand, kissing my lips sweetly, bending over me. He whispered softly in my ear. “You're mine, Tylar. Don’t ever forget that. You're mine.”

I snuggled next to him feeling totally satisfied and secure.


Trey and I awoke the next morning with 'just-fucked' hair and smiles on our faces. We showered together then went down to breakfast holding hands. I felt so close to him once again. Thatcher was all smiles as he served Trey his coffee and brought me my usual fresh fruit, bagel, and juice.

“I’m flying back to Atlanta this morning,” Trey announced as he buttered his usual whole wheat toast. My heart sank. It seemed like I was forever saying goodbye to Trey, or waiting for him to return. “The verdict came in from the jury and we won the suit. But we need to figure damages and present oral arguments to the jury that will decide the financial reward. I’m afraid I'll be tied up for at least a week, possibly longer.”

I looked across the table and he was studying my reaction. Was I allowed to have emotions about this? Could I be disappointed, or show disappointment? The truth was I missed Trey terribly when we were apart. I smiled up at him as I felt he expected, telling him to call me when he could. That seemed to appease him.

After breakfast, I kissed him briefly, telling him I'd see him when he got back and headed off to the stables to tack up Derringer for our day of training. I was feeling dejected. I knew that I had to shake it off, the training was important if we were to be ready for competition in September.

I ran into Clint in the stables. “I thought you were moving back in, neighbor,” he teased.

I laughed, “I'll be back tonight as a matter of fact. Come on over and have a beer.”

“Sure thing,” he said, smiling, “now that you’re 21, I expect you’re buying, right?”

“Absolutely,” I answered.

The day of training went well. Mark sent more videos back with me to review this evening. Maybe Clint wouldn’t mind watching them with me.

Needing to go to town to buy beer and snacks, I returned to the main house to retrieve my new car. Trey had provided me with the code for the garage. This was my first time driving my new car; I was pumped. I cruised out on the highway, enjoying the feel of the ride with the top down. In Bristol, I picked up a six-pack, a bottle of chilled sauvignon blanc, and some pizza rolls that were easily nuked.

I returned to the estate, carefully parking my car back into the garage. I carried my purchases back up the path to my cottage. Clint was just coming over as I arrived.

“Great timing, I guess,” he said.

“Yes, and I got your favorite,” I said, showing him the six-pack. We went in and got comfortable.

“Have you had dinner yet, Clint?” I asked.

“I’m drinking it,” he toasted, raising his cold beer.

“Nonsense,” I answered. “I’ve got a big bag of pizza rolls for us. Let me nuke them and then dinner will be served.”

We talked and laughed, drinking, and eating our pizza rolls. I switched the television on and we found the end of an old sci-fi movie to watch. We caught up on what everyone had been up to. Clint reported that he’d met a nice girl when he was at the Sanctuary.

“That's so awesome! Why didn’t I know about this?”

“I think you might’ve been otherwise occupied,” he winked.

“Very funny. So, tell me about her.”

“Her name is Clare. She works at the Sanctuary on weekends. She goes to school at the University of Georgia in Athens. She’s studying veterinary medicine.”

“Clint, that's so perfect for you. What about the distance? That’s going to be a drag, isn’t it?”

“We’re not engaged yet, Tylar,” he laughed.

“Hey, maybe if you drive down there to see her some weekend, I can tag along and visit Gina?”

“Or maybe I can tag along with you in your new Mercedes?” he asked.

“Oh, you heard, huh?”

“No, I saw you pull out earlier. Mighty fine ride, ma’am.”
