Page 88 of Maybe Baby

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“It was a birthday present…from Trey.”

“Some birthday present.”

“Do you have a problem with Trey?” I asked.

“Not at all, Tylar, just be careful,” he warned.

“Why do you say that?”

“Look,” he said, “I can tell that you care for the guy, okay? All I’m saying is don’t get too emotionally invested in him.”

It was too late for that.

“When his parents get back from Europe, I doubt if he’ll be back here until next year when they go again. That’s just how it’s always been with him, you know?”

“So you don’t think that he cares for me?”

“I think he cares for you, Tylar, as much as he cares for any of his possessions. I’m sorry; I call it like I see it.”

“What would you say if I told you I know for a fact he cares for me, perhaps even loves me?” I didn’t want to get into the details of my knowing Italian and hearing the exchanges between Trey and Carmelita.

“I'd say that I hope it's the kind of love and caring that makes a person thrive, and not the toxic kind that makes a person owned.”

Before I had a chance to respond my cell phone rang.

“Booty call,” Clint teased. I threw a couch pillow at him as I grabbed my phone off of the counter. It was Trey.

“Hey,” I answered, dodging the pillow that Clint threw back at me.

“What are you up to?” smooth and silky’s voice asked.

“Just hanging out with Clint,” I said. There were several beats of silence. “Hello?”

“Yes, I’m here. Tylar, I thought we had an agreement?”

“What are you talking about?” I was totally caught off-guard.

“I’m talking about the fact that less than a week ago I made it perfectly clear what my expectations were concerning you and other men.”

I hurried into the bedroom with my phone, trying to keep the conversation as private as possible. “I’m notfuckinghim, Trey. He’s a friend. You didn’t say anything about me not being able to have friends.”

“Tylar, I don’t want to argue the fine points of our agreement. You're free to hang out with friends, as long as the friends are female.”

“I don’t believe this,” I exclaimed, my voice rising, “I don't intend to abide by any agreement as asinine as this! That wasn't my understanding at all.”

“So what are you saying, Tylar?” His voice was like steel.

“What I'm saying, Trey, is that I’m exercising my right to opt out.” I ended the call and returned to the living room where Clint was politely appearing to be engrossed on whatever was on the television.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Maybe you’re right, Clint. Trey seems to have a problem with my having friends of the opposite sex.”

“I should probably leave, Tylar.”

“No Clint, please don’t. I already told his majesty that I don’t roll that way. Unless you think he'll retaliate against you with your job or something.”

“I’m not worried about it,” he replied, pulling me down next to him on the couch.
