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“You really need to teach me how to block you. Now, what is it you need?”

“Commander Max’s female…”

“You mean Maryellen?” I correct him.

“Yes. Maryellen.” Tet shows a little bit of chagrin at my correction. “She has agreed to be Max’s mate. However, the other females say they must have a marry ceremony and …”

“A marriage ceremony!” I squeal, then giggle, “Yeah, Maryellen and the ladies were in the bunk when we got there, so I heard there was to be a wedding.”

“Uh…affirmative, my heart,” Tet states hesitantly. “and they want me to perform the ceremony”

“That makes sense, since you are the Captain of this ship.” I confirm, looking at the confusion in his face, “And you have no clue how to perform this ceremony, do you?”

His head bows bashfully, “No, my heart. I am not too sure about this marry…er, marriage ceremony is done.”

“Well, Tet, you are in luck,” I say, with a grin, and then I begin with “Yours is the easy part. You just have to stand there looking important and say a few words.”

“But what words?” He almost has a whine to his voice.

“OK, here is what I remember from the last wedding I attended. It was my cousin, Brittany’s big to-do. Gawds, that was a huge overblown affair. Must of cost Uncle Ralph a bundle.” And I start to relay the description of the wedding ceremony. Omitting the stupid parts. Maybe, adding a few things that were better. As we talked about the marriage ceremony, Tet wrote notes on his com pad. It confuses them that we had a ceremony for mating. I guess when you have mating marks things are a bit different for your

My heart, will you need such a ceremony when we claim you? Tan relays to me.

“OH, HELL NO!” I almost yell. “If… and that is a big if… I let you claim me, I really do not need all that big show of wealth and ‘look at me, I’m a bride’ in a big white dress. Nope, if your culture just fucks and bites, well, that will be good enough for me. I just think I will be happy that you want me for me.”

It seemed like both males were relieved that I wasn’t into the whole wedding thing. Besides, I am still not sure if I am ready for the til death do we part business… literally, until we die we are bound to each other…Wow…just wow. That is just a lot to take in. I didn’t know too many people who remained together for more than ten years. Definitely not my parents. Dad was on his third wife and Mom just said, “I take care of my children. I don’t need a man.” Which was true. She worked 16-20 hour days as a lawyer and made the bucks, but was she happy? I know that her parents were. Mee-maw and Pawpaw were together until their deaths a few years ago in a car accident. The few times Mom let me go to her family’s farm to visit, they were so affectionate. But Mom would dismiss it as, “That is just their generation. Your grandmother would be so much happier if she had finished her degree instead of getting married and having kids.” I was never really sure. Mee-maw always looked happy and she took joy in my mom and her siblings. However, she and Mom went at it because Mom chose a career over family. I don’t know. Dad was busy with his girlfriends and neglected us, so maybe, Mom just wanted to make sure that we were protected. Unlike his mother, who committed suicide when my paternal grandfather took off with a hairdresser he impregnated leaving her destitute and thinking it was all her fault. Mom was protecting herself.

What kind of dishonorable male deserts his mate? Oops, forgot about that tapping into my thoughts thing.

“It was years ago, but you can see why I am not sure about this whole mates for life thing. Humans haven’t had really good luck in that.” I tell my mates…yeah, I am getting used to the idea. “Now, teach me how to block you.”

“It is fairly easy…” And he begins explaining the way to keep my thoughts private.

Chapter Ten


“That was a lovely wedding,” my mate stated as we walked into our room.

They denuded the garden of all it’s blossoms! I am not amused by the vandalism of our carefully manicured green space.

“Relax, they will bloom again and the Officer’s Mess looked beautiful.” She looks down on the dress she is wearing. “Even this bridesmaid dress ain’t too bad. My dress for Brittany’s wedding was the worst. No one was going to outshine her in those puke green sacks.”

You look stunning and much prettier than the…bride. Tet tells her. Kelsey places her hand on his chest.

“You just won yourself some points for flattery, my boy…er…male.” I note that she is a little more pliable than usual.

My heart, have you been imbibing in alcohol. She giggles.

“Only a little bubbly!” She replies.

What is bubbly? I have a feeling I know but I need her to confirm.

“I don’t know what you call it, but it reminds me of champagne, only green instead of gold.”

You are drunk on Mitirian Wine, my heart. I shake my head with a bit of a smile. Tet has a bit of a rueful smile too. I do not know this champagne, but I do know that someone as small as you should not drink more than a small glass of Mitirian Wine.

“I think you two are so yummy!” Kelsey points her finger between us, “I am not small.” She is emphatic, then pats her behind. “I have cushion for pussshin’. I am big enough to take you two on.” Shakely she puts her finger over her mouth. “Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone, this is a secret…Even though you two have serious sticks up your ass, I think I am falling in wuv…love wit…with you. I shouldn’t…You are way too bossy…” My heart is beating quickly, she loves us.
