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Commander O’Jectic took the female medic to the Medical wing? Tet said. I could feel his surprise. He was quite adamant that humans didn’t belong in his medical bay.

Yeah, well, given the good work that Michelle did here, I don’t think that is an issue. I will let Maryellen know your wishes.

I walk to Maryellen and say, “Captain and Commander Bl’Wski suggest we stay here for the time being. They are doing sweeps of the ship and getting a feel for what is needed.”

“How did they contact you?” Her brows rise in surprise.

“They can talk to me in my brain,” I admit.

“What? Telepathy? They have a telepathic link to you? Did they claim you?” She whispers to me.

“Not yet, but they say I am their mate and well, along with the marks, we have done enough to start a bond. So, yeah, telepathy.” I am so uncomfortable having to tell her about my almost mating.

“Are they abusive?” She asks with concern for me. “Did they rape you?”

“Oh, no. It was mostly consensual. They are just bossy…They both are so bossy,” I confess. “I am 21 years old. I like flirting and partying. Both of them have sticks up their asses and it is really frustrating.”

She gives me that perfect mom look and tells me, “Well, they are the commanding officers of this ship. That is a lot of responsibility.”

“Yeah, I know and I understand that part. But they act like I need to be a good little robot and march lock step with them. They are stifling me, while they are doing… Well, I won’t go there.” I remember that there is a child nearby.

“I appreciate that.” She nods sympathetically then asks. “So do you like them?”

“I want to say ‘no’, but to be honest, they turn me on like none of my human boyfriends,” I have blocked them, but I am nervous about saying this out loud, so I whisper, “I think I have always needed two dominant males.” I wink at her, then return to sit with the ladies. And that is when we hear the call to evacuate the ship. Finally, a way off this bucket.

Chapter Seventeen


My com goes off and with a clipped “Yes?” I answer. It is Commander Max.

“Captain, the chief engineer says the ship needs to be evacuated immediately.” The Chief Engineer begins explaining what is happening in the environmental compartments. I am becoming more and more suspicious of this “anomaly”.

It does seem very convenient, Tan agrees with me.

“Do we know what caused this?” I ask the Chief.

“Not until we get in there,” Says Chief Hr’Rcki. “That’s why we need the ship evacuated. The gas will start destroying the life support systems and nothing will stop it.”

Fuck, that means securing the humans, Tan is concerned. There is no way this is a coincidence.

“Fine, I will make the evacuation call in five units. Will that be acceptable Chief Hr’Rcki?”

“Yes, Sir.” The Gurtanian chief answers in the affirmative.

Back on a private com with the Marine Commander, “Max, do you have a schematic of the Council station?”

“Yes, Sir.” He sends it to me via the com.

“Can you find a safe space for the females? So we don’t have them wandering the Council Station.”

“Yes, Sir. There is a large storage space to the right of the ship.” I look at the indicated space on the schematic.

“Perfect. Have the females escorted there by the ship’s security. We can join them when we have finished shutting down non-essential systems.” He has security before we cut the link.

I quickly call into the Station command team and let them know the plan then make the announcement on the ship wide com, “Prepare to evacuate the ship. All assigned engineers will report to Chief Hr’Rcki for hazard suits and duty stations.” Looking at the schematic before me I begin to designate locations. “Medical personnel escort all injured personnel to the third Section medical facility in the Council Center. Officer’s Mess please wait for the ship’s security detail to escort you to a safe space on the space station. Non-assigned crew, all exits are open, please exit in an orderly fashion and gather in the fourth section crew quarters. This is an order for the safety of all. Any non-authorized personnel will be imprisoned at a Galactic Federation penitentiary after court martial. Thank you for complying.” Like I give them any choice.

Commander Max meets us as we are striding through the corridors. Just as we are leaving the ship our coms go off simultaneously.
