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“My mates say they are almost here, but we need…”

“…To act scared,” I finish for her. “Tet and Tan say the same thing. I am beginning to think there is an advantage to this telepathy thing.”

“There is. However, it is very limited until you are fully claimed,” Teyana says. “If they get us out of this, you should work on that, my dear.” I smile at her.

“So, we are still on the Council Station?” I ask.

“Yes, at least, I am pretty sure as I did not hear any sounds that indicated we were on a ship.” Teyana confirmed. Suddenly, there are some noises outside of the door.

“The boss is angry! We are dead.” I hear a rough voice. “We need to get those females out of here and see if we can sell them on the market.”

“But the old female is mated to high up Alkadians!” Another gravely voice croaks.

“Did you not hear me? ‘His lordship’ is pissed!” the first one says. “We need to get off this station. But you are correct. Kill the old one. It might make the boss happy if those righteous bastards die with the elimination of their mate!” We hear the males stomping to the door.

I hug Teyana tightly to me. She is holding me just as tightly. We have no problem pretending to be scared because we are scared…really scared.

As the door starts to slide open, we hear the crash at the front of the hideout. The door closes again and there is a lot of shouting, roars, bumps and bangs. The hat door opened and a greasy, dark haired alien scooted in before closing it again. He held a gun like weapon towards Teyana and I.

“Tell them to back off or I kill you both,” he says.

“Well, that won’t help you at all will it,” I say flippantly. “Kill us, you’re dead. Keep us alive, you can be protected with the right information.”

“What do you mean?” He is rightly suspicious. The door must be locked because I can hear banging on the door and feel my mates on the other side.

“Well, if you tell us who your ‘boss’ is we can negotiate some safety for you.”

My heart, we can not promise anything to that fiend, Tet says in my mind.

It is a chance to find the masterminds, right? I return. I keep my eyes on the ugly man.

“He will kill me,” the Midagian whimpers.

“Aren’t you dead already?” I ask, hoping life is like the TV shows I enjoyed. “At least, with the Galactic Federation officers, you have a chance.”

“Well, maybe.” He hedges.

“Show our mates that you are valuable and I am sure they will protect you.” I bat my eyes and look innocent. “Like, where is your boss now?”

“I do not know.” Looking at me with more hesitancy: “it is bigger than him and that creature he is mated to.”

“He is mated?” I ask, realizing this guy isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box.

“Yeah, he mated the head of the An Ratha Family. A real ugly female.” Suddenly, the air shimmered, a large dark figure appeared - pfpht, pew pew - and the figure disappeared in a shimmer as the Misagian fell dead at our feet. Teyana and I looked at our feet. I was in shock as Teyana rushed to the door letting our mates enter the room. He was telling us the information we needed, but he is dead. I have never had anyone die in front of me. I wish I could be as great as Teyana, but I am frozen. The guy is dead. Killed in…front…of me. I try to justify this situation. This guy is a bad man, why am I freaking? Tet and Tan surround me and take me in their arms. I don’t feel the tears in my eyes, but I know that I am crying. I am in shock. This shit is so real.

It is all going to be fine, my heart. Tet says to me.

He is dead. I was talking to him and he is dead. I am trying to make sense of the scene in front of me. Teyana’s mates turn the male over. There is a hole in the corpse’s body, where a heart should be, all blackened like it was cauterized, as there isn’t any blood. His eyes are opened wide in surprise, yet vacant of life. I can’t take this and bury my head into Tan’s chest. His hand is on the back of my head. His chin on the top. Murmuring soothing words to me in his roughened voice.

“It is hard the first time you face death, my heart,” Tan tells me. Tet is pressed against my back.

Cry it out, if you need, Tet sends. We are here. You are safe and he is no longer in the pain of this existence.

He was telling me the information we needed and he was killed right here…in front of me. I look up at Tan then back to Tet. I look at their parents, Teyana being hugged by their fathers.

“It looks like a Shu’Bak disruptor,” Fade stated. Teyana looks at me with a concerned look.

“My dear, the assassin used transport tech that is still new. He probably was listening in to the conversation,” she states. “He was probably here to ‘clean up’ the mess made by this Misagian.”
