Page 51 of Silent Sin

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Jacob continued to stare at his sister as he forced his expression to remain neutral even as rage boiled inside him. The smug look on her face made his fingers twitch once again with the urge to wrap them around her slender neck. He dug his toenails into his shoes under the table, using the bite of pain to keep control.

Stella Bennett.

Jacob remembered the summer of '96 with vivid clarity. He recalled the heady rush of taking the girl’s life as if it were yesterday. He could still hear her bubbly laughter…still envision her bright smile at the thought of her perfect life. All she had talked about was how her uncle would buy her anything that she wanted, and how all she had to do was pout to get her way.

The pocketknife that he had carried around with him back then had only ever been used to carve wood. He had fantasized about using it on other things, but it hadn't been until Stella Bennett had told him to go back to the poor kids' camp that he had pushed her to the ground. The euphoria that had embraced him had opened his eyes to what he was truly meant to be in this world.

Killing Stella had unlocked something primal within him.

He hadn't been able to get enough of the helpless plea in her eyes as he used the small knife to carve her face into nothing but slivers of flesh. Her screams had echoed throughout the woods. He relived those delicious moments of power whenever the mundane world pressed in on him.

Currently, that was almost every fucking minute of every fucking day.

Jacob somehow managed to stop himself from screaming every obscenity he could think of at his sister. Stella hadn't been on the list of his victims that he had provided to the Bureau.

Any mistakes found could have him eating his last meal.

"Mistakes are always found with the first victim. But you know that, don't you, Jacob?"

Brook gave what sounded like a sigh of satisfaction as she pushed off the wall. She strolled gracefully across the concrete floor before rapping her knuckles on the metal door.

"I'm curious, sister of mine." Jacob waited until Brook had turned to meet his gaze. He couldn't allow her to leave while having such a sense of accomplishment. "You must keep a tight leash on that General of yours."

The fact that Brook didn't turn when the guard opened the door told Jacob that he had her full attention.

"I mean, all it would have taken was one phone call."

Jacob could see from the narrowing of her eyes that she understood the meaning behind his words. He wondered if General Elliott had told Brook about their brief meeting.

"You're always saying you know me, Jacob. Well, you should know that I would never rob the families of your victims from seeing you take your last breath in the death chamber."

Jacob waited until she had crossed the threshold before calling out a warning—and one she should heed.

"You're starting to sound like you believe your life is perfect." Jacob experienced a shot of adrenaline at the sight of Brook straightening her shoulders. She continued walking until she disappeared from view, but that didn't stop him from getting in the last word. He raised his voice so that it would carry out the room. "That would be a very bad thing, sis. Very bad."

~ The End ~
