Page 230 of Playing for Keeps

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I glance at the small box on my lap. "You didn't have to get me a present."

"Kelsey, open the box."

I grab it from my lap and tear through the paper, curious to see what's inside.

"Kris," I whisper, staring at the necklace inside. It's a white gold awareness ribbon pendant with a heart-shaped diamond in the middle of it and the date engraved down one side of the ribbon. It's delicate and beautiful.

"I wanted you to have something to remind you for the rest of your life that you made it this far," he murmurs, taking the box from my hands to lift the necklace out. "It may have taken you fourteen years, but you made it, princess. Complete remission."

"You're making me cry," I cry.

"I'm not trying to make you cry. I just want you to remember how fucking strong you are." He brushes my hair aside, helping me put the necklace on. "You've been fighting for over half your life. Do you have any idea how much courage that takes? Even on your worst days, you're a badass. I'm in awe of you. Don't ever forget that, Kelsey."

As soon as he latches the necklace, I fling myself into his arms. He catches me, pulling me up against his chest. I burrow into him, clinging to him. So damn grateful for him that tears spill over, running in a flood down my cheeks.

I've never felt like more of a badass than I do in his arms, surrounded by his love. I've never felt more whole than I do right now.

Epilogue Two


"Kelsey! We're going tobe late!" I shout, already knowing it won't do me any good. You can't rush perfection. My wife tells me that at least once a week. She's got the perfection part right. The woman grows more perfect by the year.

"Don't rush me!" she shouts right back. "I'm almost ready."

I smile, shaking my head. I've heard that before. Repeatedly, in fact. I glance at my watch to clock the time, and then shoot off a quick message, letting Royce know we're going to be late. For someone who always rides everyone else about being on time, my wife has a penchant for being the last to arrive everywhere.

"Who are you texting?"

I glance up from my phone to see Kelsey standing at the bottom of the stairs in a beautiful green dress.

My breath stalls in my throat. Jesus. She's as beautiful today as she was the day I met her.

"Royce." I shove my phone into my pocket, eyeing her up and down as my dick stiffens in my pants. "I was letting him know we're going to be late."

"We're not going to be late."

"We are if you're planning on wearing that beautiful dress, princess," I growl, stalking toward her.

She scurries back a step, throwing up a hand. "Hands off, Jónsson!" she cries. "My grandbaby has a recital, and I'm not missing it because you can't keep your hands to yourself."

"I'll be quick. Just let me have a little taste." I wrap my hands around her waist, tugging her into my arms.

"You're insatiable." She swats my hand, laugh lines around her endless blue eyes. "Get your hands off me and get me to the theater. You can have a taste later."

I palm her ass, pulling her up against me. "Fine, but I'm holding you to that," I murmur in her ear. "As soon as this recital is over, you're mine, princess."

She beams at me, too fucking beautiful for words. "I'm always yours, Kris. Have been for thirty-five years."

"Damn right you have." I kiss her softly. "Best thirty-five years of my life."

It's not a lie. The last thirty-five years with her have been the best of my life, hands down. All of my best memories are tied to this woman. She's given me two incredible daughters and four grandkids. She's filled our home with love and passion and her fierce strength. She's taught me everything I know about courage. No matter what she has to face or how many times she's fallen out of remission over the years, she never stops. She never slows down.

She's every bit as much a badass now as she was the day I met her. And I'm more wildly in love than ever.

Bonus Scene

