Page 248 of Playing for Keeps

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Rebel: Are we still on for tonight?

Me: Do you want to be?

Rebel: Do you?

I should tell her no and end this now before someone gets hurt. We're already lying to Jonas. We've already crossed too many lines. If I meet her tonight, we'll cross even more. Lines we can't come back from. Things we can't undo. Her brother will fucking hate me.

And yet…and yet…I don't tell her no. I fucking can't tell her no.

Me: Yeah, little one. I still want to see you tonight.

Rebel: Me too.

Our course is set. It's too late to turn back now.

Chapter Four


"We're at your house?"I gape at Kellan, pretty sure he's lost his mind. "I thought we were meeting somewhere else."

"Like the club?" He arches a dark brow at me, his expression making it clear what he thinks about that. "No, Rebel. I agreed to do this, but I didn't agree to hide you like a dirty little secret in the process."


"But what?" He slips his hand into mine, pulling me deeper into his penthouse. Unlike Jonas, Kellan lives smack dab in the middle of the city. His apartment takes up the entire top floor of the high-rise where he lives. He has a private elevator up fromthe parking garage. Views of the city greet me wherever I look. The arena glitters in the distance. So does Ryman Auditorium.

He's a million miles from everything, yet right in the thick of it, too, a man apart. It's fascinating to see the way he lives. His place is dark and masculine, with sleek, modern furniture that manages to look both elegant and understated simultaneously. It probably costs more than I care to consider.

"You live here alone?"

"No. I have a harem in the basement."

I accidentally-on-purpose step on his foot with the heel of my shoe.

His wicked laugh rolls over me. "Yes, I live here alone, little one. Why? You worried someone is going to see you with me?"

"Maybe," I mumble.

His laughter fades as he turns to face me. His amber eyes meet mine. "You don't want Jonas to find out."

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to say it. It's written all over your face."

My teeth sink into my bottom lip. "I just don't think it's the best idea for him to find out about this, that's all. He's already being crazy as it is."

Kellan grunts.

"Think about it," I hurry to say. "If he finds out that we…had sex, he's going to be pissed. Probably at me.Definitelyat you. You guys are teammates and you'll be in the Playoffs soon. Is now really the time to rock the boat over a one-time thing?"

"One-time thing? Jesus Christ, Parker. You have it all planned out, don't you?" Kellan's lips pull down into a severe frown. "What does this plan of yours look like? We'll fuck tonight and then you're out of here? Never to be heard from again?"

"I don't know!" I cry, throwing my hands up. "It's not like I've ever done this before, you know. Excuse me for assuming you'dwant me out of your hair as quickly as possible. You certainly did last time we met."

"I hurt your feelings." His expression softens.

"No." I roll my eyes. "I just think you were rude."
